Ice Cave Skip
8 years ago
Basse-Normandie, France

Hi everybody ! :) You may already know that the 7th level, the Ice Cave, has a secondary exit on the platform above the place where you begin the level. You are supposed to get the double jump potion at the end of the level then go back to the beginning to reach the platform. I make this thread because I think it's possible to go to the secondary exit without the double jump, and so save about one minute by skipping almost the whole level. There are some interesting things that I found, and that can be useful :

  1. At the beginning of the level, if you jump then go back to the left just before the cutscene triggers, you can run under the snowball so you will be behind it

  2. Once it kicks the snowball, the enemy on the platform starts moving. If you jump next to the platform with a correct timing, the enemy will hit you so you will be ejected

  3. If you are facing right when being hit, you can sometimes be ejected higher than the top of the platform. But as you can't control the smurf during a damage ejection, touching the platform will set your horizontal speed to 0, so you wont be able to move to stand on the platform

BUT maybe with a correct (and probably very precise) positioning, the smurf will not touch the platform during the damage boost, so you will automatically reach to platform. And if it's not possible, maybe there is a way to regain control of the smurf when he is high enough, so we can move left to reach the platform

It's not sure that this Ice Cave Skip is even possible, but I think it's good to share it here. Maybe together we will succeed to perform it, and even find a consistent way to do it :)

Basse-Normandie, France

So, after making some toll assisted test, I found a way to perform the Ice Cave Skip :

But about 10 frame perfect inputs are required, I think this cannot be done RTA :/

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