I wanna get into JToH speedrunning but idk where to start
11 months ago

I've always liked watching speedruns but now I want to get into speedrunning and I'm not sure where to start, I'm not sure if I should go for glitchless categories or not, what towers to run, and if I'm even good enough, etc. Where do I start???

West Virginia, USA

if you aren’t sure if you’re good enough then I recommend you start with a easy difficulty tower or a mini tower


nah u dont


(dont trust xorevre, he snipes those), i recommend starting with towers that still have no runs as u learn how to find routes, after getting a run i recommend scanning it a bit, seeing what u failed/did slow and see how to improve it

Zelkron vinden dit leuk

Do toast sub 4 an then tom sub 4 and then toa sub 4 Wait not that last one


i dont really have any great advice for this but i'd just say pick a tower you like thats relatively short . or you can watch some speedruns and go "Yea that one looks cool i want to do that one" thats how i do it most of the time . as for the category EVent items is boring and i dont like it but aside from that it doesn t matter really . i do have a preference for glitchless but that might be just completely arbitrary . Good luck have fun

and if you donmt think youre "good enough" dont let that discourage you ! you can get there ! weve all been there !

oh yea this guide https://www.speedrun.com/jtoh/guide/581k2 it's 3 years old and a little bit outdated but i found this really useful back in the day and maybe you might as well . it is specifically about toast but you could probably learn some things about speedrunning in general from it (this is complete speculation as i havent watched this video in a while but Maybe)


I feel the best thing you can do is to get good at the game first (obbying) like reaching a t14 skill is good (or terrifying) and then start speedrunning since a "issue" i see is that most of the people that got hard wrs took them from 3 months to 2 years Like pinto pro who got toh wr with their hardest being cop or even me who almost got wr on toh too when my hardest was toie and it may sound like if every top speedrunner did that is kinda wrong because they are only good at one tower until they become better at the game so they can learn towers way faster and easier and actually know the game way better and actually gets you to better times too. After you get to a good skill level you should find a HARD world record tower (ring 1,ring 2,ring 3 you get the idea) this will first of all get you more prepared for easier towers (to speedrun) but honestly there isnt a way to get here but with motivation and love you will get far.


@Lucianox20 No you dont have to get to tier 14 level to start speedrunning What are you talking about No

sy1frwk vinden dit leuk
West Virginia, USA

hey mods quit posting on forums and being lazy and reject or accept those 18 runs that are pending


I've been TASing roblox obbies for a while now, and haven't played JToH in about a year, if I get back into the game that would be helpful.


pick a tower and speedrun it

United States

Hi guys

Florida, USA

speedrunning really just takes skill, practice, and perseverance to master. learning all the skips and corner cuts and mastering them is really what makes a speedrun doable in my eyes.

Bewerkt door de auteur 11 months ago

i suggest you look for a tower that the world record is NOT very optimised and see where you are sure that you can improve it and make the improvement

Devon, England

@xorvere ratio (i literally have no idea what to do with most of the runs)

West Virginia, USA

idk man just reject the runs with banned accessories u cant accept them and theres no point just leaving them in limbo pending all it does is make it take forever for other runs to be accepted


if they dont take advantage of the reset jump boost that for some of these runs its provably impossible for them to then i think the runs shouild just be accepted . Not like it matters right

West Virginia, USA

idk just figure something out mods because i dont feel like going back to waiting 2 weeks for runs to be accepted again

ri0luqy_ vinden dit leuk
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