Introducing SpeedrunComSharp...
8 years ago
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

SpeedrunComSharp is an Open Source .NET Library that can be used to easily interact with the API. It provides 100% of the functionality that is provided by the API. It also provides the legacy Records API to query the Leaderboards and Personal Bests of Users, which is currently not possible with the API itself. Traversing the API can either be done by using the Clients provided through the SpeedrunComClient class, which provide a 1:1 mapping of the API, but also through the objects returned by the API themselves. Once you have an object, you can use its properties to easily traverse the API and get to other objects.

Here's how that can look like: Example Usage

There's also a lot of helper objects like the "category.Leaderboard" which provide objects of the Records API, that are obviously not part of the standard API.

The Library should also be compatible with Mono and therefore run on pretty much any system. Looking forward to your feedback :)

Madzinah vinden dit leuk

I didn't look too much in it, but, will it be possible to query the latest WR coming on the website ? Could be useful

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

You could query if the World Record for a single game changes. I don't think you can query for World Records in general. The API doesn't really support the leaderboards yet (only through the legacy Records API).


I meant query WR in general, so I'm a bit "dissapointed", but I'll look at that anyway C: