Submissions by IrreversibleNinja are likely cheated
6 years ago
Lincolnshire, England

We (the mods of You Have 10 Seconds) have recently had a few run submissions by a new runner calling himself IrreversibleNinja. The recordings were very choppy, had no sound, and were pretty high up the leaderboards for a first run. We rejected the run(s) for these reasons and explained those reasons to him. Since then he posted this thread (where he's since deleted his posts, but they were multiple rambling posts about how he spent ages getting those runs and we're idiots for not verifying them) The important part of that thread is the runner from another game informing us that he had spliced a run in that game too. We then got this thread Which is an embarrasing attempt to save face, and to "not tell anyone else about the cheated runs ... keep it a secret".

So yeah, this is a heads up to anyone that gets submissions from this idiot.

TheGreatToddman, soru, en alkaline_ice vindt dit leuk
Montana, USA

Sorry this happened to your game, and other's games. Thanks for the laughs though.