Young you... Oh boy
5 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

How have you changed overtime?

Bewerkt door de auteur 5 years ago
TheGreatToddman vinden dit leuk
Richmond, VA, USA

Young me (obviously) lacked any wisdom and didn't set goals to stay motivated. I'm glad I learned how to set goals and have a game plan, however it was learned from multiple failed endeavors over the years. Still, it's important to try to improve and learn everyday, and to say I'm wise now that I'm older would be showing a lack of wisdom.

Oklahoma, USA

No one is "wise". We simply become better. We will always continue to do so as time goes on.

oddtom vinden dit leuk

apparently 22 is still young-ish, but I still have a ton of things I regret, mostly based on not having the confidence to speak up and I to this day am very bad at making decisions on my own and if I do it's often a knee jerk reaction type thing. Luckily I've managed to mostly beat my anger issues (I still can get quite angry at games, even if I try to keep myself in check and switch games or stop playing if it gets too much). One huge thing I regret is letting them (psychologist, my own, that overpayed doctor) assume that I cared about how tall (or not) I was. I was quite small, I likely would've stopped at 1.5m (4' 11"?). Honestly I'd be fine with that, if I instead got what I actually needed back then, but I'm still working on how to explain that publically. Nowadays I'm 1.72m tall (5' 8"?), have permanent, literally never-ending back pain and still am dealing with the same issues they should've seen all these years ago. Another thing I regret is not going to Canada to the one person I still cared for, even tho I couldn't even have known what terrible ideas fate was having the following now that's too late and I'm left recovering from the aftermath of depression and almost-suicide that situation left me in. That was about 5 years ago, also still hurts and I'm still blaming myself...

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I broke a glass door with a rock and I didn't regret it.. :)


we tumblr now ayy


[quote]we tumblr now ayy[/quote] wait this isn't r/NeedlessCringeBS?