Notes on Best Ending for Xbox
Notes on Best Ending for Xbox
Updated 11 months ago by darkshoxx

Just a couple of notes after running it myself and watching Radicoon's run. This is assuming original hardware, played from disk.

  • For fast movement use the joystick, for slow movement (Poems) use the D-Pad

  • In settings, put turn speed at 100%

  • use X to switch between visible/invisible cursor (visible is only useful in a couple of places)

  • When you boot up the game you'll get a loading screen when linking into J'Nanin. If you've previously been to J'Nanin since the last boot, it remains cached and you skip the load. In other words, after booting, go to J'Nanin before starting a run attempt.

  • Zips are your friend, even more so here than in the PC version. Know where they are.

  • Semi-circling kinda works most of the time, just gotta mash A instead of holding. The "move camera before skipping to avoid turning animation" really doesn't pay off here because you turn just as slow as the game auto-turns. But it saves a bit when putting the 3 pages on the imager

  • When entering the circle-combinations that unlock the books to the ages, start with the balls that you can send straight to the bottom, that way you can easily scoll back up.

  • Most of the time you cannot hold levers by holding A. You have to press A to hold it, and press again to let go (Voltaic)

  • (untested) there's a chance the poems are easier to enter like a matrix dot printer, one row at a time for the left-right circles, and one column at a time for the top/bottom ones.

  • The game has crashed on me twice, so be aware that that can happen.