Lakitu Cup & Ring Attack Ace Strats for Birdo [WIP]
Lakitu Cup & Ring Attack Ace Strats for Birdo [WIP]
Updated 6 years ago by MetalYoshi

There are two possible hole locations for each of the four Par 3s on Lakitu Valley for the first Tournament. The Hole 3 strats will also apply for the second Star in Ring Attack - "No Easy Entrance" - especially since there is no Rain on any hole in Ring Attack. These are with un-Star Birdo. She is an excellent alternate choice for speedrunning due to her ultrafast swing animations, good trajectory, and balanced stats (higher Control and Spin, but less Impact than Waluigi).

Unless otherwise noted, assume full power, perfect accuracy, no Spin, and/or default club, so as to save space.

Definitions: Sweet Spot - the gray bar from which the power bar begins to move from right to left and back again. However your shot deviates from the Simulation Line (assuming no RNG) depends on how precise your timing is on your second input after starting your shot (Manual) or with RNG picking within the blue bar above the Sweet Spot (Auto). Hook - A lower, leftward (right for lefties) deviation as a result of your Sweet Spot timing being late (to the right). This may be intentionally used to correct a shot if the situation warrants it, but can often prove dangerous. Slice - A higher, rightward (left for lefties) deviation as a result of your Sweet Spot timing being early (to the left). This may be intentionally used to correct a shot if the situation warrants it, but can often prove dangerous. Impact Point - Where the ball is struck by the club-face. Although centered by default, this can be moved to affect the trajectory and roll of your shots. You can use the Control Pad to scout these changes, but they are only finalized by hovering the Control Stick over your new marker during the swing. Holding the Control Stick up will result in lower shots (When I say low shot, this implies a top-ball Impact Point); down for higher shots (when I say high shot, this implies a bottom-ball Impact); leftward for Fades; rightward for Draws. Draw - A shot that curves from right to left, which can be natural as the result of a character's technique (e.g. Waluigi, Daisy, Bowser, etc.), or artificial (as a result of moving the Impact Point to the right-half of the ball). Draws and Fades are extremely useful for curving shots, controlling distance, ball bounce/roll direction, and more. Fade - A shot that curves from left to right; which can be natural as the result of a character's technique (e.g. Luigi, Birdo, Wario, etc.), or artificial (as a result of moving the Impact Point to the left-half of the ball). Draws and Fades are extremely useful for curving shots, controlling distance, ball bounce/roll direction, and more. 3/4 shot (or 1/2 shot) - A lower, shorter shot using only partial power for the chosen club. Since the meter is split in four with convenient reference marks, I try to use them for strats where higher shots fail.



139y Clear (Front-Left) - Club down to the 7I, select Power, play a low shot one frame short of full power with a one frame hook and Super Backspin. Sounds more complicated than it is, especially for how inconvenient this cup location is.

Note: This will not work for Ring Attack because the ball will carry over the Ring and you will immediately lose.

139y Rain (Front-Left) - Club up to the 3I and hit a 3/4 Draw shot.

144y Clear (Center) - Club up to the 1w and hit a low shot one frame past half power with Topspin.

ALTERNATE: Club down to the 7I, select Power, use a top-ball Impact Point, and hit four frames short of full power (124y) with a three-frame hook and Super Topspin. Thanks to fspacewater for this alternate strat that is similar in most ways to the other cup's strat.

144y Rain (Center) - Toggle down with the R button to the 120y mark, use a top-ball Impact Point, and hit the 120y mark with Topspin.



123y Clear (Center) - Toggle down with the R button to the 115y mark, and hit the 115y mark with a one-frame hook and Super Topspin.

123y Rain (Center) - Nudge your aim very slightly left and play your shot two marks short of full (126y if you need a reference). Without the nudge, the ball barely lips out and ends up 0.79 feet away.

144y Clear (Back) - Club up to the 1w and hit a Draw shot two frames short of 3/4 (149y if you need to toggle the meter).

ALTERNATE: While simpler, this may be less consistent depending on how fine your Impact Point control is. Club down to the 5I, select Power, hold the Impact Point down as little as you can and add Super Backspin. Without the Impact Point adjustment, you'll be about two feet past the hole. If +1% comes up, hold the Impact Point down slightly further and you might salvage the Ace. If you happen to hit one mark short of full power, but you get +1%, no Impact Point adjustment is required (backup plan for-the-win!).

144y Rain (Back) - Just play the 4I shot you're given, but add Backspin. Wonderfully simple.



157y Clear (Front-Right) - Club up to the 1w, and hit one frame short of the 3/4 mark (153y if you need a reference). I love these 3/4 punch strats. Fairly easy to time, fairly forgiving, and less hangtime.

157y Rain (Front-Right) - Club up to the 1w and hit a low shot two frames short of the 3/4 mark (149y if you need a reference) with Topspin. Fairly similar to the clear strat, so that's nice.

166y Clear (Rear Center) - Club up to the 3w, toggle down to the 164y mark, nudge very slightly left and hit a high shot with Super Backspin. The nudge is so small that you can actually do this fairly consistently. Without the nudge, you land right next to the hole.

ALTERNATE: If you don't like those aforementioned adjustments, you can try a punch, and if you manage +1% RNG, you'll snag an Ace! Club up to the 1w and play a low 3/4 shot with Super Topspin. You will land 1.09 feet short if you get 0% RNG.

166y Rain (Rear Center) - FINALLY! Club up to the 1w, toggle down to the 163y mark (two past 3/4) and play a low draw shot with Topspin. I've tried literally everything else, including high draw/slice combos, high fade/hook combos, you name it. If you find something else, please let me know.



113y Clear (Center) - Club up to the 7I, toggle down to the 106y mark, and hit the 106y mark.

113y Rain (Center) - Club up to the 4I and hit a Fade shot one frame short of the 3/4 mark (112y if you need a reference). This works for 0% and -1% RNG. Consider adding a hook and (Super) Backspin if you overshoot, because where this shot lands adversely affects its bounce.

112y Clear (Right) - Toggle down to the 102y mark (4 marks short of full) and play a low one-frame slice with Topspin. Thanks fspacewater for this strat!

112y Rain (Right) - Club up to the 7I, toggle down to the 114y mark (three short of full), and hit a 114y Fade shot. This works for 0% and +1% RNG. If you happen to hit the 116y mark and get -1%, this will go in as well!

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