스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

This is good.

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

As long as you're loading off of a disk and not off of a USB/SD Card, it's fair game to my knowledge. Other people can input as well, but if you're referencing using a region changer then yes that is totally allowed.

TheBronyGames 그리고 alphaxBDX 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago


Thank you everyone that took part, even through the confusion. I'll tally things up here. For clarification, for those who didn't edit their super mod posts, I will be taking the first name that they listed as the vote. If someone did not get super mod and is eligible for mod, those super mod votes will be moved down to regular mod votes. That being said, here we go. (Also eddy, you don't have a run of the game on the leaderboard so I'm not counting you, appreciate the effort though <3)

Super Mod Votes:

  1. Gc4ever4001 - 12
  2. JaredsGiantz - 3
  3. Sarcrai - 2
  4. TheOfficialSkozzy - 1
  5. Smoof - 1
  6. Nimbus - 1

So it looks like I'll be a super mod (and I double checked to make sure that I didn't win the vote based on a technicality from rule changes and the person most affected was probably Jared by about 3 votes-ish, so it's all good there). Time to roll down the extra votes from super mod (It looks like only Skozzy and Nimbus will be affected) to regular mod as well.

Mod Votes:

  1. Nimbus - 9
  2. TheOfficialSkozzy - 7
  3. DeathJohnson - 6
  4. Javi (Gameit_ES) - 4
  5. MastahBobby - 3
  6. OfficialGlitchDoctor - 2
  7. PurpleGhostKasper - 1
  8. A2Rhombus - 1

That being all said and done, it looks like Nimbus and Skozzy will be our new regular mods to replace Veman and Linkus. Thank you all for participating, I'll contact Kirkq and we'll get the ball rolling on these changes.

MakS54 그리고 KingRedEagle 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago
  1. Yeah, SD Card is also banned. You need to run on a disc.
  2. I'm.... not sure? I don't even know how that would load.... would love other people's input but I'm inclined to say no.
  3. You can use a region changer (don't know what it's called because I have a japanese wii but I'm sure other people can enlighten us on that) so that you don't have to buy a japanese wii to play a japanese disc.

Hope I was helpful <3

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

To clarify, having a super mod is not a power thing. It's to help maintain the community, and keep the leaderboards clean. This person isn't going to have any more power than any other person, neither does a mod.

MakS54, Dark3xile 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

For those who have not looked yet, please check the first post as there has been a change. Please adjust your post accordingly. Thanks.

MakS54 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Javi I like the idea, but this isn't exactly running for office as much. This is more moderating and fixing the leaderboards, creating a team if that makes sense. I will say however, that whether I'm a super mod, regular mod, or no mod, the next issue I'm bringing up is PAL runs. There needs to be set rules on that nonsense. But we'll save that for another day :D

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Super Mod Votes:

  1. TheOfficialSkozzy - Needless to say, him and I share many opinions and ideas for the community together. He's not afraid to speak his mind and views things in a logistical and unbiased manner. He truly his someone I trust wholeheartedly and someone that I always talk to about any issue that has been brought up before I make a post.

Regular mod votes:

  1. Nimbus - Very active within the community, always in chats and always ready to help the next guy. Doesn't get mad if something doesn't go his way, and has been a big contributor to issues within the past couple of weeks.

  2. Javi (Gameit_ES) - Truly a nice guy. Very active, runs almost every day, and takes part in the leaderboard discussions as well. An active member like Javi would be perfect to be a mod.

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

So, as some of you may be aware, there was previously a voting thread to vote for super mods and regular mods. Since then the community has come to the decision to change the rules of the voting a little bit. So let's lay this out.

First we'll start with the roles of mods and super mods. Mods are people who will be approving/disapproving runs. These are people to look up to in the community and should be experienced and active in the community. Above that are super mods. These people do everything that mods do, but will also be looked at to settle 50/50 disputes on topics (such as [EMU] and S+Q) and also have the ability to add/remove new mods and add super mods.

This thread will be used to decide who new super mods will be and who new mods will be as well. There are currently two inactive mods, Veman3000 and Linkus7. These two will be removed and there will be room for two new moderators.

To surmise, we are going to use this thread to vote for ONE super mod and TWO new mods. These people can come from any part of the community and do not have to currently be mods.


  1. You can vote for one super mod and two regular mods in your post.
  2. You do not have to vote for the maximum in each category, but you cannot vote for more than the maximum obviously.
  3. You CANNOT vote for yourself.
  4. You CANNOT vote for the same person for both categories.
  5. You must give reasoning behind your votes.
  6. If a person gets votes for super mod and does not get elected, those votes will be reverted to regular mod votes in addition to any other regular mod votes they might already have.
  7. Play nice, don't take any decisions or opinions personally.

This thread will be open until Saturday, April 9 at 11:59 PM EST.

I look forward to seeing everyone's input, and I'll put a final tally after all is said and done. The top two votes for each category will be put into the new position.

EDIT: As you can see, the originators of the idea of this thread have decided that one super mod should suffice to fill out this issues of the community if they were to arise. Please adjust your posts accordingly to fit the vote for only one super mod and two regular mods. If a post isn't edited, it will be assumed that your first choice on the super mod vote is your vote. Sorry about the confusion.

eddy66818 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

HD I'll pm you with a format that I think will make us both happy hold up

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Or rather, a forum post with names on it gathered by community members. Maybe a google doc isn't necessary. My thoughts aren't quite together since this is a rushed reaction for me and I'm rather tired. But doing it in this thread and rushing people to a conclusion would be a big rushed mistake, and we don't need that.

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Hold up hold up hold up. Let's do this in a better fashion than just throwing names out. Why don't we put it out to a vote. I agree that the mod list needs to be changed and super mods need to be added, but how about we leave that for a separate thread and perhaps a google doc voting system. With more names than just the mods that are on there as well.

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Ok so.

The majority of people do believe that removing the [emu] times is fair and proper, and two people who had times up there actually already removed their own times after this discussion. That being said, some people brought up that we should make sure that these people are contacted about it. I'm going to personally contact everyone through Twitch PM that has an [emu] time up on the leaderboard about the removal of their times. I'll give them a week to respond, but I think waiting beyond that is pointless as some of the people are inactive.

I'll make sure to edit this post with the names and statuses of people who have contacted me back. Next week on Friday by midnight (as per usual) the times will be removed, and I think that's a fair amount of time. Thanks for participating everyone <3

People Contacted: FoopJohnson - No response Seathorne - Responded and manually removed [EMU] times from leaderboard Johanian - Responded and manually removed [EMU] times from leaderboard Linkus7 - Responded, will remove times after Sunday MrAfroman20 - Responded

Note: Sarcrai and Javi already removed their own times personally during the time of this discussion, so clearly there's no need to contact them!

Dark3xile, KingRedEagle 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

I use a Dazzle DVC 100 currently. It's not bad and it's pretty price effective.

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

The issue with that speedrunner is that most of those games still allow those side columns to be run, as to where ours is banned.

Skozzy 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

That's.... what

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Any of that being said, past discussions or non-discussions are irrelevant. This is about here and now and getting things done :D

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

Javi, I respect your opinion entirely and yes it would be an inconvenience to you personally. I don't want to create problems for people, and I know that your time is improvable and you know it too. However, it wouldn't just be you affected and this isn't a single targeting so to speak.

Every single [emu] time would be taken down with this, not just yours.

For the references of soccer, in a game people aren't competing against previous game's stats. In speedrunning, you're competing against someone's previous personal best. The analogy doesn't quite work.

I just don't see how it's fair for the people under you to have to work harder than you to get a better time because of a banned version difference.

스레드: Luigi's Mansion
Florida, USAGc4ever40018 years ago

The only thing that I have to respond to that toz is that the timing that was done is inconsistent and not widely considered to be correct. It's speculated to be much more of a difference than what was timed. That being said, thanks for posting your opinion and I look forward to seeing what other people have to contribute <3

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