6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

I would like to address this huge issue the community has right now: emulators. I really think we should allow them, they would benefit many of us. I took a break from MKWii speedrunning because I didnt want to have a run under a certain time where I was forced to submit video proof. I have no capture card, and have no way of recording my wii other than using my phone, which would not have enoug storage. Emulators solve this, you can run obs in the background to record the runs. I know the major issue is splicing between segments, realistically, that can still happen on the Wii, but of course it is more likely to occur on the emulator. My response to that is look at any other community. All the top speedrunning games allow for emulators and are at risk for splicing and savestates. They are not different from Mario Kart Wii. Please allow us to use emulators for our runs, the categories are going to become obsolete. It would help many like myself out a lot!

J47Z 이것을 좋아함
New York, USA

The biggest issue for this game isn't even splicing on emulator. Splicing is easily noticeable for the most part. It is emulator load times. The only way emulators will ever be allowed, is if timing is changed from RTA (Real Time Attack) to IGT (In Game Time).

Ontario, Canada

How so are load times an issue? How severe is it?

Michigan, USA

It can be, like, ~3 seconds per race. It would make the optimal platform for this game emulator which in reality would be very backwards. Even between certain normal Wiis loading times vary. I recently got a pb on shell cup by 7 seconds and looked back and saw that my little igt was 14 seconds faster in my new pb, and then I realized I'm playing on a different wii console than the one I got the pb on.

Ontario, Canada

But dont load times vary between wiis as well? I am pretty sure that the wr for nitro no skips has just over 5s load times, my wii has 6-7s


WiiU has faster load times than Wii in general


If the load times vary between Wii consoles as well, Emulators actually would be mroe fair because I think everyone with a good PC got the same loading times there while you can't get a "better" Wii. Also, why not create a sub-category then like other games (SM64 as a example) did?


We already have 6 sub categories by category, no thanks

Texas, USA

It's been explained multiple times that emulator is not used ever because it loads almost always better than the disc game and is never consistent because it's basically impossible to emulate a disc drive accurately. Also it's easy to fake a run, there are a lot of people willing to fake a run for any kind of WR in MKWii so emu is generally looked down upon by the main part of the community.


I agree with everyone here and why hasn't anyone adressed @ILOVESMB 's point? if load times are in issue, why are wii u and wii together and why don't we just make sub catagories?

North Brabant, Netherlands

The load times aren't gonna be an issue when the leaderboard switches to IGT. That's gonna happen but the process is slow. The mods said that they decide on dolphin after that switch was done.

Sizzyl 이것을 좋아함

@Schipjee good to hear!