6 years ago
Texas, USA

The description of this video explains everything perfectly.

Mars02 그리고 AmayaMKWii 이것을 좋아함

What's stopping people from running the game on Dolphin, playing back the video on their TV and then recording that with a capture card though?

I'd be such a good cheater lol.

BGP 그리고 Keondibs 이것을 좋아함
Rhode Island, USA

Can't you use savestates on your Wii using mods? And then have that play back normally to replicate a TT session, which could also fool a stream audience?

Texas, USA

Alright then sure, let's ban the use of any homebrew so if your Wii is softmodded in any way your run is rejected immediately and you must show every page of your Wii menu and SD card menu before every attempt, that sounds fun but that's not the point. The point of this thread is showing why we especially can't allow Dolphin, let someone else or the mods arrange what to do about cheating on console.


Banning Dolphin runs isn't really going to do much if you can't tell the difference between a console run and a Dolphin run though.

Texas, USA

I'm going to assume you only skimmed through some of the description and are mainly going off my post and title and what people are saying. I'm saying that Dolphin will never be allowed for any reason because of what that video explains and that's that. If someone submits a convincing run that ends up being Dolphin it will either go undetected or someone will find out. If you're this concerned about how "easy" it is to fake a run on literally anything, then how about offering an idea on how to reasonably increase proof standards?


I'm totally fine with Dolphin being banned, I can see why it'd be a problem. I'm mostly just bored and keeping myself occupied with things that might be sort of productive but probably aren't, like talking about fake runs on the forums.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
Keondibs 이것을 좋아함
Texas, USA

If you have nothing useful to offer for this thread, then you didn't even need to post at all. Talking about fake runs is certainly a waste of time I can agree but it's arguing with a furry on anything that's the biggest waste of time imo.


It's pretty easy to fake that using some basic video editing though.

Texas, USA

I think having the outer edges can still be used to recreate the video but I don't know too much about Dolphin so how about instead of arguing at a brick wall where your opinion will never get across to me since I view it as incorrect and angrily message this guy, the video creator about how his video is wrong, inconsistent and didn't consider everything. You'll have better luck with that than whatever you could tell me. Estaloy62#2112

Texas, USA

Also if y'all know a million ways to fake runs on console and emulator, fake some runs but pass them off as real just to see if the mods will accept it in one second as usual. I want to see this.


I would want to try this, but I don't want to take credit for a good run that I didn't do legitimately or get banned if they do find out.

Texas, USA

But they won't find out as you and Rhode explained. It's damn near impossible if done right and y'all seem to know how to do it perfectly.


Even if I could be 100% sure it would go undetected, I still don't want to unfairly take someone's WR from them.

Rhode Island, USA

dude, if dolphin and wii both produce scenarioes where it's possible to cheat, then you cant just choose to ban one.

(in response to "Alright then sure, let's ban the use of any homebrew so if your Wii is softmodded in any way your run is rejected immediately and you must show every page of your Wii menu and SD card menu before every attempt, that sounds fun but that's not the point. The point of this thread is showing why we especially can't allow Dolphin, let someone else or the mods arrange what to do about cheating on console.")

and @ILOVESMB, he means the dolhpin frame itself could be used as some sort of overlap graphic to fool others into thinking dolphin was legit up and running proeprly no cheats. not sure if u knew

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
Texas, USA

Dolphin is more accessible and less legit by default, the original or official hardware technically could be modified but I think it's best to keep it how it is with Dolphin banned and original/official hardware only allowed.

편집한 사람 작성자 6 years ago
Rhode Island, USA

^I don't think thats close to being a strong enough argument. There has to be more clear indication why Dolphin is banned only when BOTH options seem possible to fake.

"Dolphin is more accessible and less legit by default,"

I've heard macbook pros (1000+$) cant run it, my $500 PC cant run it, my old $800 pc couldn't run it, it lags on my uncle's expensive computer system

Basically you need a quite expensive computer. even if you build it ur self u probs need at least $500

So how is it more accessible when it costs more money to buy, ansd you have to have tech knowlledge kinda, meanwhile with the hardware you go to the store/amazon/ebay and buy somethig

Texas, USA

A decent amount of people already have good computers before a Wii or Wii U. Also MacBooks and anything Apple related already just cost a lot so that's out of the question. tbh $500 can get you a lot, my laptop was $240 (Around what a Wii U is used) and this thing could totally run Dolphin.