32 Tracks Vote (Keep on main or Extensions?)
4 years ago

Hey all, so for those not aware yet, we have added an extensions leaderboards on speedrun.com Shine Thief has already been migrated to the extensions leaderboards and we plan do add more categories to those leaderboards so if you got ideas, be sure to post them on the forum thread at https://www.speedrun.com/mk8dxce/forum

Now here's the next part. We also had plans to migrate 32 Tracks to the extensions but did not do so just yet. Since the release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, 32 tracks has sort of become a legacy category due to the 48 tracks option being available to everyone, not just those who paid for DLC like in MK8U. For some community members, it didn't make sense to have this category anymore in Deluxe, because 32 Tracks would be able to be completed with Retro and Bonus Tracks for example, or Bonus and Nitro. Instead of moving 32 Tracks right away, we decided it would be more appropriate to vote on this as a community.

Please use the following form to submit your vote: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2dm-sUMMKK-IzN0nYV7gXarkpDyHZTsSecQQRdBC6XznzaA/viewform

The vote requires a Google account to prevent multiple submissions. We do NOT collect any email information with these votes.

If you have any questions regarding this vote, make sure to ask them in Discord or the SRC forum post. The voting form will close on the 19th of this month.

Feel free to hop in the Discord if you haven't already if you want to discuss about this.

CtrlSiro, Pianist15, 그리고 VikeMK 이것을 좋아함