Create catégory
7 years ago
Aquitaine, France

Hello everyone ! It's been a while since I've reacted in the community. But it's to ask you a question about the speedrun category. How to create a new category. Because last time I ran a "All Boos" speedrun in the summer of 2016. Small problem, I still did not know where to put it to the leaderboards, so I put it in a "Miscellaneous" category because I Considers this non-generalist category; And in the end, my speedrun was rejected because it did not respect the rule of the category at all. Again, could anyone help me, how to create a category.

Before finishing, I show you a speedrun video that I uploaded from Youtube by li to serve as an example:

Correct me for misspellings and thank you for all those who answer my question.

Cordially. :)

xNose 이것을 좋아함
Madrid, Spain

As you aren't a mod you can't create a category, so what you can do is suggesting a category, the mods will ask the community, if all agree then category is created, if not then the category is not created

alphaxBDX 이것을 좋아함
Aquitaine, France

Thank you for the info. ;)

Florida, USA

If you have any category ideas, feel free to voice them or chat about them on the Discord. That being said, check out what Misc. categories do exist, because ironically an All Boos category does exist right now.


Tu dirais: "not a main category" au lieu de: "non-generalist category"

Les catégories sont créer si les gens jouent un catégorie beaucoup. Alors même si tu veux un nouveau catégorie, il est possible que ton suggestion ne soit pas accetper car il n'y a pas assez de gens qui le jouent. Á ce moment, All Boos et All Portaits sont les catégories alors il ne faut pas que tu t'inquites à propos de ça.

Je m'excuse pour ma français. C'est ma deuxième langue... :)

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