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8 years ago
Oregon, USA

I'm too lazy to make them, but if you do a run of any of the following, make a post here with a vod (twitch, nico, youtube, vimeo), and I will update the leaderboard with your run.

The runs are (with their heirloom alternatives): 1-10 1-20 1-60 1-70 1-80 1-85 1-90 1-100 55-100 (the only category death knights are allowed in) All dungeons/raids (must be done at dungeons intended level, i.e. no level 100s running dead mines normal. Raids may be done in 10/25 or normal/heroic, whichever you so choose)

Saxony, Germany

Hey I have a question about speedrunning wow from 1-10 without heirlooms. When exactly do I have to start the timer? In your run you started the timer after clicking the enter world button. Wouldn't it be better if the timer starts once you are able to control the character right after the intro video?

Oregon, USA

@Rag: The best way would be to have your first vod show you entering the world with wsplit (or an alternative) showing your start time, along side another timer showing your total time. To verify, each video would need to show the server time of when you begin, and the server time when you end, alongside /played at the beginning and end of your session (as well as following the rules of iron man and the 1-100 no heirlooms rules).

@Ely: the reason I have it currently like this is because your character is spawned in as you hit the enter world button, and because of this, things can happen to your character (priest pulls, buffs gained, xp changes), so if you are like me, and have a history of bad load times, you can create a character, load in, delete, and then create your "official" file.

Saxony, Germany

Okay so starting the timer right after hitting the enter world button is a must?

And what about getting buffs from random players as I walk through the world? Is this legit? Because this could happen from time to time.

Sorry but I don't understand the last part of you saying "create a character, load in, delete, and then create your official file"

Thanks for your help!

Oregon, USA

Yeah, you can get random buffs. And I mean load in as a human, for example, and just make sure the map is loaded by letting it play the intro, and walking about the spawn. Then, log out, delete that character, create a new one, and start timing for a run. And yes, timing from enter world is a must.

Oregon, USA

You can make a youtube playlist also, just so long as it has all the parts. Even if it is on twitch (or not), you can submit as many pieces as you want. So for you, you can use Fraps or Screencap, or anything, as long as I can read /played, server time, and your wsplit.

Oregon, USA

And also on the timing note: It's the same reason a lot of speedruns start with load times, because it then makes a major difference between versions and system differences. A PS3 with a solid state drive with the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake is going to be a lot faster than a ps2 reading off the original disk. The same is going to be held to wow runs for now.

Archive Project is Complete!

Hi all,

I am happy to report that the archive project is just about complete! You are now able to see runs that used to live on on the following leaderboards

  • [Legion Archive](http
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