スレッド: Sonic Blast Man II
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

28:11 is my first PB since i've started to route it seriously so far, i just struggle on the Joker enemy type...

Well this guy you posted is a fraud, it's super easy to caught on, most surprisingly those channels seem to be very popular and never got criticism... I mean the guy upload hundreds of games played on max difficulties without being hit a single time.

He's always punching at the highest speed, clearly using macro/turbo.

The first time i saw this guy was on Streets of rage 3, it is very apparent to catch those guys cause despite being SO GOOD that they're destroying times, taking no hit and playing in max difficulty, their gameplay has no plan, no knowledge of the game itself therefor to a veteran player it's like watching a child pick up the controller pressing random inputs but for a reason still managing to beat the game guided by the hands of a god.

In this video alone i can pin point you all the inhuman TAS reflexes he have, try just to do what he does, by dash kicking into a Boss active attack frame interrupting him pixel perfect every time, by just knowing before the joker enemy type either dive kick or jump forward, what to do, he's literally plane shifting the 1st frame the joker jump for the dive kick, how did he knew ? i'm good at speedrunning some games but gosh i'll never be able to reach such silly level of superhuman reflex.

スレッド: Sonic Blast Man II
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Hey hey people, i have requests about this game but before i dive into this i want to point out that the run time still haven't been corrected.

The rules say, Timer start on character selection (not on character control which i'm fine with it.)

However the timer stop when you last hit the boss, again this is something i have nothing against, some stop on fade out some on character control lost. the problem is, the runs display different split, which i was confused already when posting my WR video.

Linkameister stop when he lose the control of his character. This has to be changed, either the rules or the run time.

Okay now in the requests, like pretty much the majority of beat 'em ups i work on, the characters are essentially different from one and other and each got their own category such as Final fight, Streets of rage, Undercover cops etc... I'd like to have them as Main categories with their name cut into difficulties as sub categories, or the names as sub categories.

Second thing is more like a nitpick, the site did posted something about it already year ago, Any% as the name of a beat 'em up category is not very useful, the game is only completed the same way unless you find some wrong warp like in SOR1. The term is pretty much useless here.

Last of all, i'd like to expose the game to a larger audience and get people involved into speedrunning this game because in my opinion this is one of the best for the console. Despite having some flawed Hitbox the game run perfectly and inputs are very accurate compared to most of SNES beat 'em ups.

Like i did for Streets of rage 2, 2-3 years ago, it would be nice to arrange the theme of the game page, put some care into it, it seem stupid at first but when i did that to the page, adding the categories, themes and started to put up guides and give the game more spotlight the number of runners just multiplied per 10. I don't mean it is the case for all the games but it helps.

Stunt_MK これを好き
スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Hey HandCrush, you can capture the window of your game separately and add a second capture of livesplit, we will see the two on your "obs/xsplit/whatever software you use" you don't have to quit the game window to launch the timer, there's shortcut buttons you can assign in the option menu of livesplit, keyboard and even controller work. (i personally split with my PS3 controller)


スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

PAL is running slower so it's not implemented in the leaderboard by default, i would suggest you to either go Steam/ VC ports but they're all emulated versions of the games and some run poorly and are very inaccurate.

Other solution would be to region mod your console to be able to play japanese games, if i'm not mistaken the second SOR game also got JP version in the EU cart like SOR1. Switching region automatically put you on the 60hz JP version.

You can also buy a japanese/US console and the games to get the normal speed version.

スレッド: Riot City
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

I did submit with the platform being arcade cause you didn't add the console

スレッド: Riot City
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

You didn't made the difficulty as a subcategory, you just need to erase all the categories you've created for it and let one only, you call it Pc-Engine then make a Variable like this https://imgur.com/a/JgTYjKw with the difficulties, once you've done that you check the "use as subcategory" on the top right. On top where it's saying "Category" you put only Pc-Engine category, set Easy as default or normal but i think everyone will do easy cause the game is long.

スレッド: Kung-Fu Master
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Be patient my friend, runs can take time to be verified.

SSbeatle これを好き
スレッド: Riot City
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Yeah they changed the second dude and renamed the hero, It wouldn't be a waste of space if you use variables creating sub categories for the difficulties like

Pc-Engine Hawk - Tony Easy - Normal - Hard

But the characters being merely clones i'd suggest putting them as simple variables like in sailor moon R where you just select the sailor scout, or more recently the characters being added in metamorphic force

Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Second post to add the other changes i've made :

  • Categories have been arranged
  • You can now select the character you've played for solo runs.
  • Overall look of the board changed.
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Hello fellow Speedrunners, i've noticed this board containing a lot of runs having different timing methods but still being validated.

In order to be clear and match everything, i've decided to change the timing method in order the make the life easy for everyone and not confuse future runners.

From now on the run will start on character select, like most of the runs already on the board (despite the character control rule being in place) it is a matter of ~ 2s35 more.

The run will not end on last hit on the Boss but when the control on your character is lost and the Congratulation message pop on screen.

If you have problems with this timing method you can always post it in the thread and discuss it.

Happy Grinding ~

スレッド: Riot City
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

This is PC-engine not arcade, there's only solo, no CO-OP there's Easy, Normal and Hard mode then 2 playable characters like a classic Final fight/SOR. So the whole 1cc doesn't need to be here.

スレッド: Riot City
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

I did a run of it one year ago in the bunch of speedrun i wanted to add to the site, the version is different from arcade so it should have a category apart.

This article show the details : http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/riot-city-riot-zone-crest-of-wolf-%E7%8B%BC%E7%9A%84%E7%B4%8B%E7%AB%A0-arcade-turbografx-16-cd-wii-1991/

スレッド: Final Fight 2
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

We only accept Official releases, there's no Final fight 2 on arcade.

The runs accepted are from the original game released in 93 on SNES or the re-releases on Virtual console after 2009 (Wii/WiiU)

スレッド: Bare Knuckle III
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Hello fellow speedrunners, people have voted on SOR3 forum for other categories and various changes.

This post will list everything that has been changed including the work in progress :

  • Victy is returning in the main cast

  • Super characters are now available

  • Shiva and Ash will be accessible either by entering an in game code or Game genie cheat.

  • Good ending (7A) and Bad Ending (7B) path has been added. You can now finish the run on the bad ending through city hall.

スレッド: Streets of Rage 3
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

(This is still a Work in progress, don't get alarmed if something is missing)

Hello Fellow Speedrunners, the categories have been updated after the vote of the community here's the listing of all the changes and adding :

  • Roo is back as main category

  • Hard difficulty is now the default run

  • Shiva (In game code) has been updated with a new set of rules and the actual runs done on him have been changed in order to match the new timing method.

  • Adding of the SUPER characters (In game code for now)

スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

I agreed though if it was not clear, this shouldn't be in the category but in a separate one. Lotus always answer on youtube he's friendly i'm sure he'll not see a problem.

The question was "do we allow 2 same character", i say yes as long as people want to do it and will provide runs. For now we do not need to create one for this run only.

スレッド: Streets of Rage 2
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

I do understand the concern on that one but would it be fair to refuse a run like this ? it would be unfair to refuse people who run Veasy or Mania cause they're doing something completely different from the main difficulties.

I mean we should let people competing on that for a Misc category if so. In order to be fair, they're not infringing any game breaking rules they're just aware of Max being the best character to run fast and this code can be done for others as well there's nothing blocking you from using it.

This is drawing lines in a weird way i admit but there's so much other things you can do with the cheat option code.

Also does this code only work in certain region ?

スレッド: Streets of Rage 3
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Yeah i forgot to add the bike kill cause you get a 1up

スレッド: Bare Knuckle III
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Hello fellow speedrunners, i have added to the board the Misc categories for Ash and Shiva with specific rules to respect in order to run them.

Victy has been added to the category for being a secondary character as well.

スレッド: Streets of Rage 3
Alsace, FranceSm_Izumi5 years ago

Hello fellow speedrunners, i've added a Misc. category on the board.

Shiva have been created with a specific set of rules to respect in order to run him.

Also Roo has been added to the category for being a secondary character.

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