Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Updated the application (the download link in the first post should still work).

Changes: 1.) There is no longer a count down timer. You start the test timer when you begin mashing (as suggested by Carci). 2.) You can retake a test (with the currently selected time) by pressing the space bar. 3.) You can select a different time by pressing the T key. 4.) You can reset the application altogether (allowing you to choose a different mash button) by pressing the R key. 5.) In addition to your mashes per second and PB being displayed, your total final mashes are now displayed on the results screen.

2 and 3 allows you to skip setting what button you'll be mashing with all the time. If requested, I can also update the program later to "remember" your mash key (and reset it with a command key later).

This update may or may not contain bugs... I think I have it solid, but I did a lot of code removal/changes so something might crop up... if so just let me know and I'll address it ASAP.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

^ Yup, I found that site too and was messing with it earlier (and used the same press/release graphic they use). I wanted something that I could use without messing with InputMapper profiles and that keeps track of personal best times locally (without being accidentally erased if you clear browser settings) :)

Also, the website is kinda a pain in the ass having to click to see your score and dealing with the goofy animations every time (as well as having to then do the math). This is a minimalist straight-forward solution that does the math for you :P

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Button Mash Calculator is a small tool for calculating your average button presses per second. You may choose from three timed options: 5 seconds, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds. You may use all four main face buttons. The program also keeps track of your personal best mashing.

Screenshot: http://um.nope.me/20z8mCmb.png

Download: http://www.speedrun.com/tools/Button_Mash_Calculator_buqly.zip

You'll be prompted to first press the button you're going to mash. Begin mashing. A timer will begin based on your selected option. Once it hits zero your results will be displayed.

It's nothing fancy, written in less than half an hour, but I wrote it for the community to figure out where they're button mashing is when it comes to actually using a controller. Also useful for testing new mashing techniques and comparing times with old techniques. Please report any issues you may have.

Should work with any XInput controller (Xbox 360, Xbox One), which means a DS3/DS4 controller + InputMapper should work fine.

Roo これを好き
Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

We're talking about creating a different category that you don't have to participate in, crazy. But we can agree to disagree on opinions.

I don't think anybody else is going to vote to ban stairskating though.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I would hope that if the community is voting it back in, that the community will actually partake in it.

I would love to run it, but I'm currently having an issue with the door skip mod I discovered while attempting to race Pessimism this morning. The game with freeze on camera angle changes after a few minutes. http://www.twitch.tv/cursedtoast/c/7052410

(Pessi's timing with the first freeze in this video is actually pretty funny)

Once I figure it out though, I know at least me and Pessimism will run the shit out of the category and as long as there's activity I would see no reason for there to be a deletion of it (without popular vote.... LOL :|)

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

A whole page later and we're voting? Nice!

I would like to see a mix of 2 and 3 (allow it and bring door skip mods back). But if I had to choose one, just go for 3 I guess as a good middle ground. It works that way.

I'm not even going to address your other post. I've shown respect and was trying to be kind and that seemed to be missed and I apologize if I offended you and will leave it at that.

I will say I'm down with bringing in some additional mods (maybe ones experienced in modding other games that are active here) to help with the load so it's not just Lileya with a splash of Zenix. Without Lileya's activity I don't think there'd be many verified runs... :P

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I would imagine turbo would be a hell of a lot easier to detect vs a user wiggling the analog stick. Because again, a user is still pressing and depressing the run button, just in a more physically efficient way. With turbo a user could cheat something crazy like 60 inputs a second, right? Derps can do like 14... and the analog stick is probably 15-16 a second at best.

Where as, with the analog stick method (if it were banned) would be much harder to tell between good stair skating and "cheating".

The argument could be made that a turbo user would just cap off their inputs to 15/16 a second to hide their cheating though, I suppose. But I feel more users would play legit if there's an easier way to skate efficiently.

Words from a friend that doesn't speedrun: "Still, you're about playing this game as fast as possible. And as long as it's full user input for every step of the way (no turbo) this should be seen as an optimization, no?"

Also, not trying to be a dick, but just genuinely trying to understand more of your point (sorry if I've seemed like I have been, that's not intentional and I do respect you a ton, Lileya).

I still think the "third party software" argument is ridiculous when people in the same series use the same software without issue. It's just remapping. I feel like this whole thing is blown out of proportion and is maybe pissing off some people that have mastered skating, perhaps? If I'm wrong, no offense, I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from.

What exactly is the problem with this if it's not a macro and is still requiring the same amount of rapid movements (just via an analog stick which is easier to rapidly "press/release" than a button) other than just "in my opinion it's cheating"? That's all many of us are feeling is the argument against it at this point (that and improperly using the word "macro") while we've provided what feels like a lot to allow it.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Saves minutes overall, but the argument about the difference between the technique and regular mashing is milliseconds. I still think it should be a community decided thing, but I'll respect whatever decision is made... I just don't think banning skating is it (not sure you'll find any support for that here, tbh).

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I guess I haven't seen very many WR runners reset due to stair skating, but I will say I'm completely against banning it all together.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

First off, I respect everyone's opinions in this thread equally.

So here's what I'm thinking. Several community members that are good at stair skating have flat out said they don't give a damn about this method. While my skating isn't Derps tier, I feel like it's gotten good enough to not be a hindrance. As I've said before, I don't care if people use the analog either but would never use it as it's a personal discomfort.

We've had several members of the community publicly voice that they're okay with this. Pessimism himself has told me he's okay with this (I'll ask him to post here to verify it if need be).

I've not run into anybody that's been against it that's not Lileya or Comic. So I'm feeling a little like it's "community vs two mods".

When the majority is for it, I don't personally think this should be a choice by the couple of people that are against it.

The argument about third party software is weak at best, as people use the same third party software to run other games in this series. It's also by definition NOT a macro.

Never mind any personal opinions of definitions, it simply isn't a macro.

A flick of the analog up and letting go is the same as pressing and depressing a button. It's not like you're flicking the analog to emulate pressing the X button 50 times a second. Even when you frantically flick the stick up an down you're still physically causing the same amount of inputs/releases, it's just physically easier for some people to rapidly flick a stick up and down than to rapidly press and release a button.

The second biggest counter argument boils down to milliseconds as Lileya pointed out. Milliseconds. If the game presented players with milliseconds, and the game was so optimized that Pessimism and Lileya were separated by 3 milliseconds, then I could understand this argument. That's not the case, and there's plenty of places to gain/shave time so there's not much more to say about that.

Lastly, both mods that have chipped in have not offered any solutions to make sure it's prevented in the event it were banned (though I did ask Comica to just quickly post their thoughts so no big deal on that). If it were banned, I don't exactly feel confidence that the mods will be able to prevent cheating if someone new strolls around and decides to secretly use this technique. The honor system is great, and I think everyone has obeyed it so far... but now that this is out in the open what would you do to make sure this isn't happening?

There isn't much you CAN do to prevent it, so go with it and allow it but set some guidelines (which seriously need to be revisited in general anyway. No difference between 30 and 60 FPS? Yeah... uh... not true.)

I'm not trying to be argumentative/difficult. It doesn't affect me either way. But I see this as being a potential barrier remover and a good thing for everyone else.

I think that we as a community can come up with some guidelines when it comes to remapping and other things (like character skin mods... really?! I can't take any run seriously that uses them, and I know many others feel the same). Do's and Don't's. If anything isn't specified, simply ask in the forums before doing it.

¤¤¤Should we maybe do a Strawpoll or something so this can be put to rest?¤¤¤


Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Yes, the motion up is X, then when the analog hits the center (dead zone) it's depressed, then a second motion down is X being pressed again. I guess when you think about it, it's no different than pressing and releasing in that regard.

Give it a try and see if it even feels natural to you. I get why it's faster for him, technically, but I honestly don't see the point about arguing over milliseconds. There's honestly plenty of other shit that makes this game more interesting to me in the first place (precision and execution, hell you could even say RNG) that I'm not worried about ¤milliseconds¤ so it doesn't bother me. If the game was so god damn optimized and kept count of milliseconds then I think it would matter more.

And again, just to reiterate, it opens the doors for more people being willing to participate. Every time I pop into Bawkba's stream I razz him about joining the fun. I even mentioned this thread to him and it caught his interest. XD

I do know Pessimism doesn't have an issue with it, but he also sees your argument as well.

I do wish other mods would pipe in about it though so this has some closure.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

You can turn the game volume all the way down in the game options, so I don't see why it would be illegal. The way the game is likely coded is that the music is probably always "playing" just with the volume variable set to 0. This can be proven by turning the volume in the game all the way to 0, then going into a new area that plays music, waiting for a few and turning it up... you'll hear the song will be playing mid-way rather than just starting.

So I don't see there being any performance gains by turning it down.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

"In which case I'll need to set up a controller camera in the event that I ever become half decent at skating using the run button. : p"

Have them pay for it ;)

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

The way it works, Lileya, is that the thumb stick movement is registered as pressed and depressed with a single movement of the analog stick. The dead zone is manipulated in InputMapper to register the sensitivity of when it's considered "moved" and "released" (dead zone). Each controller is different and needs to be adjusted as such... I doubt Zeroth's settings will work for everyone.

You're both proving really valid points. On one hand yeah, it's perfectly acceptable with any other PC game to remap. On the other hand, it's third party software to do it.

I'm sure there's other games where third party maps/remaps are acceptable though (though maybe not with a ... "function" similar to stair skating).

Isn't it allowed in the PC versions of other Resident Evil games to re-map keyboard keys to controllers with third party software? I know it's that way for the PC ports of Silent Hill. Same thing applies... you could say it's cheating to map keys to a controller because a controller is more comfortable (subjective, just like Z's technique) thus giving an edge... an extreme example but it's for the sake of clarity of my point.

I think the technique is quite brilliant, honestly and could help other people and change the meta. It wouldn't be all about the elitist button mashing (still requiring skill with flicking the stick though) and focus more on precision and routing which is what I love most about running the game. I still think it's a goofy and uncomfortable technique personaly, but if it allows others to jump in and enjoy the game then I'm for it.

Bawkbasoup has flat out told me stair skating is what's keeping him from joining the fun, for example.

I'll try to get some more mods in this thread if I run into them for some more thoughts/input.

PS: Lileya, I had no idea that triple shots are harder with L2. I sorta want to try it now. The bumper took me quite a bit of time to adjust on the PS4 controller and I'm so used to using the L1/R1 buttons from the old RE games it threw me off quite a bit.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

JMO that may or may not mean anything to anyone (I linked Carci this thread so he can put in his thoughts later):

I see both sides on this, but overall don't have a problem with it.

My gut reaction was honestly "woah wtf" when Zeroth told me that's what he was doing the other day. At the same time, I think it's a goofy technique that is stupid uncomfortable to me, but if it works for him, hell why not. If he were using a turbo button then I'd think it's cheating, but he's still putting in the physical effort just in a different way... and it's not exactly more efficient.

To top it off, he's shared it with the community and wasn't trying to hide it, so I don't believe there is any ill intention.

Think about it this way, he's also handicapping himself and is no longer able to use that bumper button in the item menu and shake off zombies with the analog stick (that's the way I shake off zombies is using both analogs). Also, if he wants to move to consoles? He's not helping himself that way either.

Over time I've learned to stair skate better and it's rewarding, but not all of us can simply push the button fast enough. Some of us are probably even double jointed in the thumb which would potentially give them a psychical advantage, like my gf who can button mash the square button stupid fast compared to me (RawDerps are you here to confirm or deny my conspiracy theory?!).

With that said, if everyone decides it shouldn't be allowed, I completely understand (especially for more consistency across all platforms). At the end of the day, third party software -is- being used to change how the controls function...

I just think if Zeroth is willing to accept the flaws with his technique to be able to enjoy the game a little better... whatever.

Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I would rather things keep being played vanilla. It eliminates any future problems/debates and keeps everyone on the same field.

uhTrance これを好き
スレッド: Resident Evil 2
Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

Ahh, I picked up a PSTV last night since they've dropped so drastic in price (got one for $30 out the door). I noticed the downloaded version is the PSP version of it, so I had no idea if it ran at similar speeds or not.

Thanks for the answer!

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
Florida, USACursedToast8 years ago

I know that it's faster to run the game on PSP, but what about the Vita? Is it in the same speed as the PS3 or is it about the same speed?

Has anyone found the differences yet?


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