スレッド: The Site
BnH2477 years ago

Hey guys, I'm trying to get all my sm handles to be the same now. BnH247 is the name change I am requesting. Appreciate your time and efforts.

Tron_Javolta これを好き
BnH2477 years ago

No problem, cardinal rule of speedrunning, only run what you truly enjoy playing even if others don't always agree with it. I've seen plenty of frustration of people running a game they don't enjoy or at least don't enjoy anymore :)

your_name_here これを好き
BnH2477 years ago

Coolsvilla, me and Dr were around when the game first came out and both of us routed the game, you have access to all the skills you need almost from the start of the run when you unlock skills, you can stealth past a lot of sections and use the Icarus dash/sniper exploit to skip even more sections of the game. This being said, Dr is right when he said NG+ is a pretty bad idea for a category since there is nothing gained from it, same for playing on a higher difficulty since you skip combat 95% of the run. Glitchless is fine since there is a decent amount of exploits to run without them but the time difference is only around 10 minutes for either optimized route so even then it's not as popular.

My last run I did before I got distracted with irl stuff and started running others games is basically a glitchless run minus the skip near the very end so the link below is basically what an optimized glitchless run would look like.

BnH2477 years ago

Well, I would talk about the larger perspective about the speedrunning community as a whole when it comes to these things but I don't really know many people actually care about creating an evolving community or if they are only concerned about personal goals and utilizing resources they themselves "have easy access to." Like not everyone lives in a safe location or has a secure job or a simple life ya know? Doesn't matter if it's a $1, 5, 15 or whatever and this includes whatever console may be the fastest if a decision is made not to separate them because not many care to drop a few hundred extra for the system and then possibly repurchasing the game for digital vs physical copy in addition to languages. When hearing hush hush talk of modded controllers and not bringing up certain aspects of advantages/disadvantages for using certain programs and controllers to make things easier or rather only talking about these types of things if and when someone brings it up it just brings a feeling of disappointment. I'm not by any means saying so and so is suspicious of cheating or using hidden advantages and what not but hey man plant the seed and watch it grow if you know what I mean. The more convoluted you make doing a run, the less individuals will be interested and actually submit a run because a common interest factor (this does not mean it's the only reason) in the community is going for a world record/competitive run that a person has much of a fair chance as we the runners can allow for other than the RNG that occurs in game so when it comes down to it and people have runs across all categories there are many people who do not want to be grinding for the best possible result of being less than say 5th place if all runners above utilize amibos because they aren't utilizing extra components. This also creates different routes that make newcomers become even more discouraged to learning the game. Same as some others mentioned, most just want to turn on the game and have a fair chance from the get go. To try and explain the perspective I am putting forth, imagine there are 5,000 people in the sr community then over time it has 20,000 and next thing you know you have over 100,000 people in the community. The original 5,000 people see things one way but there is still 95,000 other people who have interest but don't want to be stonewalled for making changes that allow the community to double and triple these numbers. I'm not saying you don't have logical reasons or they are bad at all because there is experience and knowledge that goes behind them but I am just suggesting for something which I perceive to be better for access to all players especially those in less favorable living/financial conditions and yes I will say that I heard multiple people say "that's their problem," but this should not be acceptable in all situations.

If you care about creating easy access to vets and newcomers alike you would be more open to making appropriate changes despite this breaking tradition of previous sr communities you may be accustomed to or even the community as a whole because we all know it can be improved upon. I can not emphasize "hidden intentions for personal gains" enough when it comes to different communities I've looked into and the lack of support or just basic consideration for new speedrunners seems to be a problem that still exists in a decent percentage of communities. Also Hwhat do you MEAN 50/50, clearly there is quite a bit of discourse about allowing it, theres a several comments that have a disagreement with 10-15 people (many of which have involvement in many sr communities so they aren't just blindly agreeing) supporting that comment, sorry I just had to point that one out lol.

I put this post forth with due respect because I know there are people who have been in the community longer but I call out these problems as I see them.

cros107 そして Stami これを好き
BnH2477 years ago

So across the board, generally what people do is put up a guide for running previous patches or modifications should something like this occur and as long as this is made publicly to everyone a green flag is given. If there is disagreement then yes a separate category could be made but more input from the community would be needed.

スレッド: Battleborn
BnH2477 years ago

Any% is the default and seems to be the only category that will generate interest, if someone does 100% runs and has videos for them I will add the category but as of right now we are starting to do co-op runs for the levels available right now. As for the OP points, the rules have been updated accordingly based on the testing me, Sean and Ferret did.

スレッド: Battleborn
BnH2477 years ago

Sorry for the late response I didn't have this game followed, I'll add the new levels.

スレッド: The Site
BnH2477 years ago

Nemz38, anyone who knows me would say that I reply fairly promptly to the games that I moderate and will talk to any speedrunner on discord if I'm so busy that I have to multi-task, I did not receive a message or friend request through steam, discord or twitter which all have links on my profile so if you want to talk about making changes just contact me.

YUMmy_Bacon5 そして Nemz38 これを好き
BnH2477 years ago

Panda, you make way too many assumptions and are saying things that aren't true and are mixing things up. The only thing I really mentioned about the categories was if there was enough interest in them and talking about how to categorize them and talking about the differences are between them when thinking of keeping the runs joined together "1-4", but when separated it doesn't matter now. When I was talking with you it was a discussion of what is better as in, 4 players may be better on this map while 2 may be better on this one, I wasn't stating one single thing, I was talking with you about it in present times and thinking about what could be better. Your perspective is so jaded that it seems like anything I say will upset you, it's good that you care about the game but it's not okay to keep this abrasive attitude that you have. If something didn't make sense to you, ask why and try to understand because then a solution could be tailored to fit the situation rather then just calling me an idiot because I said a certain idea wouldn't work. Yeah there wasn't a discussion on these things because we came in, did all the runs and left and now people are interested so changes are being made to best fit the game in its current state and current interest which seems to be individual levels rather then full game runs. Yes, if people had a few runs for a category already on video then it's fine to approve that category rather then stating the runs will be done with no follow up, I didn't say that no one would do it but was requesting for the runs to be done first. I said I was wondering what you can do with bot manip, not concerned about it. The only reason I'm bringing up that you are new to the SR community is that no one who has been around in a few different communities would be so disrespectful and demanding without consulting the community in the forums about requesting and talking about different things as well as being familiar with how rules and categories are generally setup. I mean I'm sorry but why care about someone who loses control so easily and calls someone an idiot because there is a difference of opinion, it just becomes a waste of time at that point. The discussion was already in another thread and it was just another toxic provocative statement. I can be kind to you but it seems that you aren't capable of returning it which is just going to get you nowhere.

"These were the counter arguments you presented me and I couldn't help but be frustrated because literally none of these are valid counter arguments, yet I could feel this extremely strong air of authority and dominance."

This is your perspective and was not everything that I said either, once you heard something you didn't like you just blew up on me, everyone else I spoke with we figured something out but you just didn't even try, you thought the answer was doing what you did and I'm fairly confident no other Mod for any game would be this kind or patient with you.

"If you still want your name to appear on that precious moderator list, so be it, but I think you need to recognize that there are people far more qualified to handle your position than you are"

This is a really funny statement but simply not true as I made jeez0 a moderator. He's more interested in the game and knows the current updates.

"It's something about the combination of ignorance and total confidence that is really triggering."

I'm sorry that we have different opinions and viewpoints on things.

What's puzzling about my interactions with you is that all you are spending time doing is putting effort to try and make me look bad and put words into my mouth and ideas into my head that were never mine and it's just interesting how you were very friendly on discord and then do this. These interactions aren't time well spent and I was surprised you're still continuing to do this, you could just drop the frustration and I would still talk with you on discord about the needs of the community so long as you take a different approach with more consideration.

BnH2477 years ago

Yeah of course, generally each community has a discord for the game but the forums are basically the default location for discussion. Yeah I heard about people being secretive about it and I came across about 3 individuals doing what you are talking about and yes when I figured out you could despawn the entire level for The White Rat, Fatshark had an outrage and put in a little wooden post, we then hopped over it and did the same thing, after that they put a giant barrier around it. So yeah I think it's safe to say Fatshark hates speedrunners lol. This is a very strange community you're talking about but it does make sense that people don't want glitches and exploits to be found which is why the initial community was just myself, Jeez0 and whoever I found to be interested.

BnH2477 years ago

I loved playing and speedrunning this game and I take care of games that I moderate regardless of the whos and whats for the situation, given that there was updates, I appointed Jeez0 as another mod because I've been playing recently being busy playing or running other games.

I agree with you and that's how I generally feel about it but there has to be structure to an extent as everyone knows. More discussion just needs to be done with whos interested and who isn't for different suggestions :).

BnH2477 years ago

When I say contact me individually I generally say this to answer peoples questions in a timely manner which is why I spoke with you on discord Panda I was doing multiple things at once and it really surprised me that you suddenly became disrespectful on the steam conversation that shortly followed, just because this is a hobby doesn't mean you suddenly throw basic respect out the window lol. Throwing out insults just makes it easier to prioritize doing other things in my life lol, I don't understand why several people think doing this is going to get anything done, this is supposed to be a fun hobby/community with friendly people so showing basic respect will help you not get in your own way which I would hope is reasonable since I've done nothing but be friendly with everyone so taking out frustration on me for not getting your way is a bit silly. I've done runs for every level except the new 3 individually and a full game run for the 13 original maps so saying I have no experiences makes no sense. Pwny, Cletus and Panda, I noticed you all haven't submitted runs for any other game which leads me to believe you haven't done research on the sr community, how rules tend to go or what people generally agree upon and because some of you opened with insults I quickly became reluctant to just pass over mod with jeez0 being the exception because I personally did runs with him. Now if you wanted to address a layout preference you could have just asked everyone in the community what they wanted but because I've seen the majority request this then it can be done.

I spoke with other seasoned runners and active members/mods across the sr community, nothing I've done is unheard of but I will not tolerate toxic behavior, so that post I deleted was unnecessary. I have been talking to jeez0 about these changes and told him whats generally acceptable and what isn't and he made the changes since I was busy at the time. I don't mind having people dislike me or disagree with me lol but if you request something that is unreasonable or that doesn't have enough interest then I'm sorry how that makes you feel but that's the way leaderboards are ran, if you've come this far to do speedruns then you can go a little bit further to meet some of the basic expectations.

For the boons ordeal you are right and I agree with that statement and will add that addition to the rules since this is what I was leaning towards when I heard about them and how they work.

Many people I've met across sr.com have been really good friends and great people to interact with, some of which are like family that I never had personally, so in future posts try to keep that vibe going and I will work with you but try to understand where I'm coming from :).

BnH2477 years ago

Typically the full game runs are shown as default regardless of how long ago runs have been done and that is across the sr community. Some people just get good runs and then move on to another game or category but if you throw up a thread asking what everyone wants then the majority vote will be the decision made.

There's no point in adding a category or section unless there are runs already done for them so the process would be to ask someone if a category could be made, then if the answer is yes you go do runs for them and have some or all of the videos ready and then the category gets added.

BnH2477 years ago

This thread will be for discussing any more categories that people want but keep in mind, there needs to be runs already done first to implement a category to avoid having an empty leader board that never gets finished.

BnH2477 years ago

Okay, I'll keep the rules for opening chat and press tab to verify the difficulty, that way if there is something visibly off I can easily monitor the run to see if anything strange happens, this should be understandable, I accepted the current runs but moving forward you need to press enter and tab to verify.

Yes I like the passion statement and for the fun of it all +1 to that.

There hasn't been interest until now, otherwise it was me and the variety players including jeez0 that set everything up and agreed upon what has been in place, there needs to be tweaking for updates but I'm not also not going to change every little thing.

I already removed it, I put it up to see what peoples intentions were and if there was interest because maybe some wanted to speed potion spam and see how far they could go with that.

BnH2477 years ago

You misunderstood what I said, there should be no use of any mods being active ever, this would mean I do care about the integrity of the runs. This means if I watch the run and see 6+ potion procs in a row and or from multiple people, of course I will be suspicious alongside anything else that would justify an invalid run.

This second comment is just throwing out insults and assumptions just because you are upset with a few runs submitted for this particular game when I'm trying to work with you like other stricter mods would not. This is a hobby and I'm taking time out of my day to respond and handle the situation so what are you accomplishing by doing this? This is not what the speedrunning community is about which is why I suggest you familiarize yourself with AGDQ/SGDQ. Then to answer your comment anyways, I would not expect any runs I did months ago to hold since there has been many changes for this game. If no one has done a run for a game, they request the game and receive automatic moderator which also means if I am the only person to submit a run then it will technically be world record until someone else submits a run. I just wanted to run those games personally so that means I had to set them up.

This 3rd comment is still up in the air because it's difficult to prove if someone is using one in the first place or other players are using one in the background and making the best of a bad situation is to just accept runs that "at least" don't show using one obviously. I could only make claims for seeing chat pop ups, which people will hide and potion spam which could just be really good RNG, so again it's not very simple to police this game but given that you aren't showing basic respect, what reason do I have to work with you any further?

BnH2477 years ago

Like I said, contact me individually and due to there being no way to police a lot of things in this game there are complications due to the other players not being visible, modding the % chance of pots and other ways that would make the runs invalid and since you guys are the only group of runners that this has come up for being suspect of using third party tools, I am skeptical. I also found it strange that in the first few runs you submitted, 3 of you got really strange procs with your potions, like anywhere from 3-6 times back to back, this could be good RNG but since you admitted using a mod to restart quicker this just makes myself even more skeptical on top of in the new run one of your members said as long as you don't show chat you will be fine which is how I spotted the mod in the first place. So with that being said it is very difficult to police this game in general, you would have to have all players recording and have their PoV's edited together in the submission video from starting the game in the steam client to the end of the runs which would be a hassle or, I just accept anyone who submits runs with suspicious gameplay and just walk away with no integrity for this game so instead of getting upset, make suggestions for solutions.

Edit: I'm taking a look at the runs again. So when you say "show" that just suggests that you are hiding the use of any extra mods or tools, using any of them in general whether visible or not would make a run invalid but because your any% run I could tell was legitimate I re-approved it however the glitchless run needs to be done again, it easily shows that a mod is being used unfortunately.

BnH2477 years ago

Contact me individually and consider what it would take to police this game, and because of all the variables and things you can do that is hard to moderate, this has become a bad speed game and struggles to have integrity with it but I am trying to make the best of the bad situation and everyone can't have their way unfortunately.

BnH2477 years ago

This game is one of the most difficult games that I mod and to police for cheating, etc and because of this I am struggling to make some of the changes people are requesting and getting unnecessary backlash, for future questions or concerns just contact me individually.

BnH2477 years ago

Well now that this community is becoming more active I will keep it on my follow tab, contact me for any questions or concerns.

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