Misc. Categories Sheet
1 year ago
Staffordshire, England

Hi, I was doing some made-up categories for Spyro 1 and I thought they might be fun so I made a sheet and a form to submit times. Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z59ZEUn4oY70zdHolNRPNo15vYn_BPn-8yMwTmRua84 Form: https://forms.gle/3dBFJYH4qE1ciVA9A . Hope you enjoy it!

XandoToaster これを好き
Staffordshire, England

Also, Here's a form to submit a category: https://forms.gle/eLTUgFdGpQLbthxPA Thanks!

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hi and welcome to the Spyro speedrun community! It's awesome that you're enjoying the game and doing small challenge runs. We already have a separate SRC page for various made-up category extensions: https://www.speedrun.com/spyroce

People are pretty creative so I can definitely recommend having a look around there and see if anything catches your interest :)

Oregon, USA

In addition to the SRC page Yui linked, we also already have a spreadsheet of categories people have run but aren't on that page https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vD1RRWtY64OyhrZCART0OvCgOICwz0p37hIzEAjy6k4/edit?usp=sharing

I originally made this sheet with the intent for anybody to add anything they've run, just to help us keep a record of what has interested people, and how runners have approached various problems. Feel free to add your categories to this sheet!

And welcome to the community! I hope you can get some inspiration from some of the other wacky things we've run.

KeepYourHornsOn, LuminescentSky そして 4 その他 これを好き
Staffordshire, England

thanks :)

KeepYourHornsOn これを好き
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