what can i actually do without my run being false
5 years ago

I don't really have much time to run the game completely and so I want to know if I can have the submission video be 2 parts as long as it is all the same place? What I mean is if I for example get to 20% of the run, then stop and go to sleep or something, can I pause the timer, pause the game, pause the screen recorder and then come back and do the whole thing later? If this is not possible then it would be great to know. I just recently started speedrunning and I love it but I'm concerned that I might be screwed when it comes to the part of actually submitting a run. Also is a simple video okay? I mean can I just use OBS to record because my laptop can't stream and I use geforce NOW to play GTA so I think I'd only be able to record and not stream.

Is a commentary also necessary? If it is how much is required? Thanks for any answers! :D


The timer has to run for the whole duration of the run, so no you can't pause the timer. It has to be done in one sitting, and the run time includes any breaks you may take.

Streaming is not required, as long as you have a video of the run and follow all the rules you can submit it, and commentary is not required.

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