Hold off on buying the Definitive Edition (Switch)... For now
6 years ago
Oregon, USA

There are a TON of issues that plague this version of the game that prevent it from being a competitively viable platform to speedrun in. Not only that, there are issues that hinder any casual player from even enjoying the game in the first place.

First, let me start off with a few positives. The route for the PC, PS3/4, and Xbox360/One works perfectly fine for this version of the game. Whatever is the fastest route for those platforms is also the fastest route for the Switch version, since the unlock sequence is unchanged... And... Uh... Let's see... I guess the Switch also has its own unique Challenges rotation...? ... Yeah that's all the positives I got.

Okay so on with the bad stuff. First thing is minor compared to the other things I'm going to mention, but it is worth noting. You all know that after World 1 Level 2 (Creepy Castle), the game forces you to "Check Out World 2 (Toad Story)"? Well, in this version it still does that, but it also does this again beforehand after World 1 Level 1. It forces you to check out the new "Murfy's Touch" painting after completing Level 1:

Now we start with the really bad stuff. While this next one technically won't effect any times that are timed without loads, it's still going to ruin the pacing of your runs in real time. Yes, the loading times in this version of this game are TERRIBLE. They average almost 20 seconds per, but sometimes they can go on for WAY longer:

Not to say that they are always this bad (I think they get worse the longer you play the game without restarting the game), but they are much longer than any other version of this game. Even the PS Vita version.

And here's the true, last, final nail in the coffin. This game has poor performance. The framerate will dip below 60fps in quite a few levels. Especially in most levels in World 3 plummet in performance:

But there are many, many other places that the performance of this game will just drop because of how poorly optimized this game is for the Nintendo Switch:

I highly, HIGHLY recommend you do not get this version of the game at this time, even if you want to play through it casually. It is not a good port for a speedrunner or a casual player. If there are any future updates that are made to this game on the Switch that fixes some, or all, of these issues, I will update this thread notifying you all about it. Good day.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
SuperAL1, Eozvar そして 2 その他 これを好き
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Thank you for the post, I was very disappointed by this version, especially because of the loading times ! "Definitive scam edition"

Oregon, USA

Apparently the challenges rotation is actually the same as PS4 and Xbox One's... so there goes that positive. The Daily Challenges right now are the same on all those platforms. They were different before, but they seem to be synchronized now. Weeklies are still different, but Monday we'll know for sure if it's all synced up.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
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