If I run the Ps4 version of the game on Ps5, which console do i put it under?
10 months ago

I recently upgraded from a ps4 to a ps5 and redownloaded Xenoverse 2 on my ps5 as the ps4 version. If I do another run for a personal best in the future, do i put it the run under the Ps5 category or the ps4 catagory?

Massachusetts, USA

If im not mistake it would be under PS5. There is no next gen version of the game its just what console runs the game.

penzky1994 likes this
Missouri, USA

It would be under PS5

penzky1994 likes this
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Changes to the Main & Level Leaderboards

Due to an Update to the XV2 game in October 12, 2023 that allow difficulty changes, there have been changes we have/are doing to the board.

Starting today 7 March 2024, us Moderators have added the variable/category or Normal and Easy to the Main Categories Any%, Any% NG+, and Time Patrols and IL C

2 months ago