how should we time ILs
8 years ago
Saudi Arabia

when should I start the time and end the time? is it when I drop from the chopper or as soon as the chopper scene appears?


For ILs use the in game timer.

Saudi Arabia

ok, so leaving the real time empty is fine?


Yup at least i don't feel it. RTA as only sense in Single Segement full-game imo.

Newfoundland, Canada

Well, even for full game runs, you can use the total play time counter from the last results screen. RTA is really only for your run at the moment.

Toronto, ON, Canada

for full runs you can calculate IGT using Play Time After Sahelanthropus - (Play Time After Prologue - Prologue Time)

Newfoundland, Canada

Actually, does the total play time count reloading from checkpoints?


AFAIK yes it does.

Toronto, ON, Canada

yeah, it does actually. I was doing some testing in Mission 23 and it gave me a time of 5 minutes and change even though I was replaying this very short mission over and over again.


That why i was saying RTA is for SS all main ops, and Ingame time for ILs :p


Sorry what i said was non-sense i miss readed that. We should indeed use Total played - Prologue time -total time played at the end of the run, as IGT is more accurate for Full-Game runs. And put every platform on same standard for full-game runs.


using the Phantom Cigar completely fucks with the in-game timer.... you can finish a mission in 3 minutes and get a in-game time of 18+ minutes

can we please use RTA for IL runs where using the phantom cigar is the best strat. examples i know of are mission 7 & 9

or atleast allow us to submit a run with no in-game time on those missions so the real time takes priority... its just feel shitty to have a 3 minute run show up as 18 minutes on the leaderboard


Hi hello. I come to you today with a few examples as to why IGT is a flaming sack of shit. Exhibit A involves only occasional use of reflex mode, while Exhibit B showcases both drug abuse and self-harm. I understand if you don't want to watch them in their entirety, but at least look at their final times, and the length of each video.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Now, you could say that I messed up a few times in Exhibit A, it's true, I could probably gain those 9 seconds back but I also shouldn't have to.

Notably as well, I spent most of Exhibit B looking at my other screen and doing other nonsense, which is apparent if you pay attention to my movement.

Can we stop using IGT please I don't want to have to shoot rockets at the ground until I get injured for every IL I do


I watch both video. And yeah you do have a point here Zefie. I wish i knew how to create filter for Ranking so we could start to RTA and IGT runs. I think that both are fun, and are they own category now. However the decision isn't mine alone it's an community choice (But i do think that your 2 videos are the heaviest argument that i saw since we started to talk about IGT vs RT). And to me it's quite obvious that we need to RT & IGT runs. And put a filter so if some people want to compete in IGT they can(MO 3 S rank for instance).

Alos for the Phantom Cig it does mess your IGT for ILs but it doesnt for Total Time played(For Full game runs i mean):


Just to back up the point that Zefie was making. I went and recorded pretty much identical runs on the most 'on-rails' mission in the game (C2W). I took the shot from as close to the same place as possible to make it a fair test.

It shows how just by doing nothing but spamming Acceleramin you chop your time on the in-game timer.

Without Acceleramin...

- 1:44

With Acceleramin...

- 1:27 (free [WR] for anyone who does it.)

This is a problem because the whole speed running scene for this game will become spamming this item and self-harming to chop times down, as long as we measure with the in-game timer.

United States

Yeah, this is getting pretty ugly. Zefie's new WR for M19 is a good example of this as well.

As much of a pain as it is, I think we're early enough in the game's speedrunning life, that if we all take the time to resubmit our runs with RT instead of IGT, we could solve this pretty quickly. As it stands right now, like 90% of the leaderboard is just the same 4-5 guys.

If we're going to switch, we need to do it sooner rather than later.

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