6 years ago
South Holland, Netherlands

Hey guys, I notice that my game crashes an awful lot while I am doing runs. Any particular points that crash or programs that I might need to turn off?

Greetings, BucketPls

WiiSuper これを好き
Michigan, USA

Hi there, yes the game does crash a lot.I just play on the lowest graphical settings and that was enough to prevent it for me for the most part.

WiiSuper, Bearhead, そして defqon_Jan これを好き
United Kingdom

You will still get crashes though, 100% guaranteed.

WiiSuper これを好き
South Holland, Netherlands

Sadly not a marathon friendly game FeelsBadMan

WiiSuper これを好き
Michigan, USA

If you just reset on crash, you lose a few minutes so I think it could still be marathon safe. If you crash on the last hit of blackbeard you lose like 10 minutes though so just be optimal with your crashes Kappa

WiiSuper これを好き
United Kingdom

You really gotta know how and when to crash

WiiSuper これを好き
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