Why you cannot get the Sewer Skip
Why you cannot get the Sewer Skip
更新済み 8 years ago 投稿者: Zulbull

Edit: SS works on the NTSC-J (japanese) version of the game too.

This is a short guide on how to actually get Sewer Skip (SS) working for you.

You will need:

  • Any Xbox original (Version/Ltd edition doesn't matter)
  • Copy of JSRF combo-disc NTSC-U

I assume you've already tried several times to get SS and failed all despite getting perfect jumps. If you're using a PAL copy of the game the glitch will not work.

  1. Delete your cache.
  2. Launch the combo-disc and enter the Sewers level.

Your SS will now work.

Feel free to switch to standalone NTSC and happy skipping.


Edit: Play up to 3 other games to clear your cache.

You can also find your cache folder if your Xbox is modded by browsing through the various partitions looking for a file called "Media". It contains your JSRF game files. Delete that file. (Note that if you installed the game onto your system (FTP or disc copy), you don't necessarily need to delete the installation.)

For me it saves to the X or Z partition.


HOW this works:

You deleted your old cache, this meant that the combo-disc will no longer read the old cache, but will write a new one. The combo disc contains the glitch, but the standalone does not. If SS was not working for you before but now is, your cache was from the standalone variant of the game or some other source (perhaps downloaded).

Don't be afraid to delete your cache by the way. A new one will be written on game-startup. Your loading times on combo disc after clearing the cache will be TERRIBLE. If you have a standalone copy of the game, you can switch to that right after entering the Sewers level.

After clearing your cache it's a good idea to enter every level or you'll be losing time to bad loads.

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