Load times spreadsheet (old)
Load times spreadsheet (old)
更新済み 1 year ago 投稿者: SuperSqank

Here is an old spreadsheet I did on load times. It's pretty terrible and super inaccurate for showing the time difference for each version and it's very incomplete. There are also other version differences which affect the run. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12CAQeXfRK-8wczqF6tg-RjMYvAlMmPmjSxMipGjMSmQ/pubhtml

Load times heavily vary on PC for many reasons. The fastest record PC loads (which are not included in the spreadsheet) can be found here.

Loads can vary on XBOX depending on the console's disc drive. XBOX loads were timed on a console with a Phillips disc drive and they were taken from one of my old runs. Loads times don't change massively depending on the console although the difference is definitely noticeable. My loads were super slow and every single load was 1-2 seconds faster on MegaSpeed's console (with a Samsung B drive).

PC loads were taken from Lexos' PB.

PSN and GC loads were taken from SpidyBawlz.

Load times for cutscenes were not timed which are very different on each console. They also vary in the XBOX version depending on the disc drive used.

Significant leaderboard update

Recently, the community has decided to make some updates to the leaderboards. There are two significant changes which we are implementing:

  1. All full game PC runs will now be timed without loads. The load times on PC can heavily vary and they dependent on rather ridiculous things. By removing lo
10 months ago
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