Skip racing count down?
3 years ago
United States

Hi, first off I apologize if this is a dumb question/easily found. I searched but couldn’t find the answer!

I started trying to speed run some races and after watching some of the clips on the leaderboards I saw that the runners do some glitch that allows them to drive before the count down is suppose to let them go/start the race. How do I do that glitch?

I’m on PS4 so I’m not sure if it’s even possible on here.

Florida, USA

I’ve look through the level leader boards and I couldn’t see where any of the races started before the count down ended. The only place that I know of that happens at is blood bowl and that happens because of a phone call coming in while starting that mission. As far as I know you can achieve this on ps4 as well as pc however I would need a video example of what you’re talking about to help you further.

She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I'm not sure if you can do that in PS4, even if you can hold calls


yeah you cant pause buffer

United States

Its done by getting OM0 (OnMission=0, which is the game thinking you are not on a mission)+ holding the call (hold the button used to answer calls). You release the button before the countdown and this allows you to move. I am almost certain it should work on PS4.

Booskop これを好き

I don't know much, but I know PS4 is basically just PS2 version running on PS2 emu (with ps4's emu bonuses like having 1080p and widescreen)

But basically, I think that anything that works on PS2, works on PS4 as well.

I tried doing the bmx CJ 3d model distortion glitch which is considered PS2 exclusive glitch and it works on PS4

Changes to the GTA:SA leaderboard

The GTA:SA community has been deteriorating over a long period of time. Many top runners are not currently present on the leaderboard. This issue has not been seriously addressed yet, but an attempt will be made to remedy it now.

As of this news post, the San Andreas leaderboard will function in

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