chromebook as a system
2 years ago
Ontario, Canada

there are many game systems and platfroms, there is 1 that is missing and when I do some runs for some games I dont want to put emulator since im playing on a chromebook and it has native android apps, so can a mod of the website add this as a platform?


To me it looks like you either play on android apps (so you play on "android"), or you play on Google Chrome (and then you play on "web"). So "chromebook" platform in itself is not needed

Gaming_64 そして Pear これを好き

If I'm not mistaken, Chromebooks use a different operating system than Android phones do, so maybe a ChromeOS platform doesn't sound entirely unreasonable.

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Oreo321, O.D.W., そして Merl_ これを好き
Aberdeen, Scotland

ChromeOS is a Linux variant so it would fit under the Linux platform

Walgrey そして Pear これを好き

By that argument, Android and some consoles should also be on the Linux platform. I'd agree with Oreo but under the condition that there are no gameplay or accuracy differences between Chromebook and Android. But deciding that would be up to the community of each game.