Banning profiles
3 years ago
Stockholm, Sweden

How do you ban profiles for fake runs?


Report it to any full-site moderator

Gaming_64, Shiinyu, そして Pear これを好き
French Southern Territories

Only site mods can ban players from the website, but that's way too severe a punishment for just faking a speedrun. If you want to ban a player from the community, just reject all of their runs, and don't accept any runs they submit in the future.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
Aberdeen, Scotland

but that's way to severe a punishment for just faking a speedrun.

No its not lol, it says in site rules that "Splicing and/or faking/falsifying runs for any reason" is a bannable offence.

Shiinyu そして 6oliath これを好き
French Southern Territories

Most large games give runners second chances before they get banned from the community, and in my opinion that's fine as long as the perpetrator doesn't do it again. That is just my opinion though, I know that faking runs is a bannable offense.

Shiinyu これを好き