Suggestion - Buttons to organize multiple videos
4 years ago

Hey there,

I wondered how you were supposed to post multiple video links and sources to your run submission, and turns out you just need to put some spacing between your links.

So I wondered : Can't we use some buttons to better manage the way multiple videos are displayed on a run page, instead of them stacking up?

So maybe something like a "Youtube/Twitch" switch

or a "Pagination menu" for segmented run

All of this for the sake of UI, lisibility and clean display.

What are your thoughts?

編集者 投稿者 4 months ago
Imaproshaman, dha, そして Quivico これを好き

Good idea. Better put in the feedback thread though:

Imaproshaman, Quivico, そして HowDenKing これを好き

@Daravae Do you want me to just "Copypaste" it next to the others answers in that topic you linked ? Delete this topic or leave it for people to debate about it here ?


@Shyneur I saw you linked it, thanks. Its more because its a centralized thread for feedback regarding the site. You can use this thread for further discussion about it if you like yeah.

Imaproshaman これを好き