Speedrunning Community Discord Server
8 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

For those of you who aren't aware, there is a large Discord server for anyone and everyone in the speedrunning community to join and participate in!

It's a central place for people in the community to just chat and hang out, whether it's talking about speedrunning, or just anything in general. We have ~300 "active" members, although by active, I just mean online. The actual chat activity is a bit low, with most members lurking, so we're trying to improve that and get word out about the server more than we already have.

If you're interested, feel free to check the server out with this invite link: https://discord.gg/0SarUu3yU9CibytG

You can use Discord right from your web browser, or download the desktop client if you prefer that. There's also a mobile app available for free on iOS/Android. :D

(Note: Lighnat0r has said it's okay for me to post about this, just so there's no confusion or anything)

WolfGang_9876, Purplemoor そして 8 その他 これを好き
Raleigh, NC, USA

What is the server name

United States
  1. You just necro'd a 5 year old post

  2. Just click on the Discord link, it's called "Speedrunning Community"

(ngl I'm surprised that link still works over 5 years later)

WolfGang_9876, goincracray そして 7 その他 これを好き