Hello! Just signed up and starting to submit Alien Swarm runs!
8 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I had run this game five years ago with a team and am now returning to submit new runs and get some times recognized.

I still know one of the guys from that original team and we have watched the GDQ streams for the past couple of years. I keep thinking to myself while watching the runs, "man, it'd be amazing to be there with everybody running something", and then I realized... Alien Swarm! I asked the friend if he would be interested and he agreed. We are now practicing the game again to get times up with the aim to ultimately submit to the coming AGDQ or next summer's SGDQ. It's a crazy thought but I think we can get there.

ShadowDraft これを好き
Drenthe, Netherlands

Stop beating all my ILs, now I have to beat them back! >:P

ShadowDraft and I have only run Alien Swarm at the SourceRuns marathon so far, but it had pretty good reception, I'd say it has a decent shot at getting into a GDQ. It's great to have some proper competition in general, though, can't wait for your co-op runs :)

ShadowDraft これを好き