Load Removal not working for me
7 years ago
South Australia, Australia

I'm rather new to live split so I'm probably making a stupid mistake but for the life of me, I can not find a solution. Not only is the load removal not working automatically but when I split when comparing against game time it doesn't save the split time.

If someone could help me out or point me in the right direction that would be great.


South Australia, Australia

Yes I have done that


First, go in the splits editor (Right Click > Edits Splits ...) and verify the Game name is set to "Dishonored 2". You should find on that same window this text "Load Removal is available. (By DrTChops)" with a "Deactivate" button next to it. If that button shows "Activate", click it.

Then, verify timing method (Right Click > Compare Against). "Personal Best" and "Game Time" should both be checked.

Checking all of this should fix both problems. If you already had everything correct, then I don't know, sorry.

EDIT : Chops was faster, rip :(

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
South Australia, Australia

Alright fixed it. Thanks Chops. It was this one.

Click settings beside deactivate and make sure it's pointing to the correct file. If you've downloaded someone else's splits this will likely be wrong.

Thanks for the help

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