Simple Keybindings Guide
Simple Keybindings Guide
更新済み 5 years ago 投稿者: Ruuj

Hello, speedrunners. It has been a long time awaited for the return of this guide; but I have finally decided to resubmit it with a proper video demonstration and documentation. Let's get into it.

Firstly; proper thanks to Beckysfootslave for pointing this out to me in the very beginning in terms of applying IEDs to keybindings and to other speedrunners for showing how powerful mouse wheel is.

The only thing you will need is a software able to modify/read cfg files. I personally use Notepad++. Once you have that; go to your steam directory folders. [steam/userdata/x/214490/remote] is the location of the "inputs.cfg" file.This is the file you need to modify in order to obtain multiple keybindings for a single input. If the file isn't there, this means you haven't changed inputs in-game yet. Change an input in-game to create this file and it will appear normally.

Follow the format as shown below for mouse wheel:

bind mwheel_down bind mwheel_up

Generators and all the usual prompts are "use". Escaping Androids is "button mash"

You can apply it to anything you want and as many times as you want, but the vast majority of runners used it for "use". Some runners even put Middle Mouse button to use!

Below is the format for binding items to a key so you don't have to go through your inventory.

bind x select_item_1 through 5 (ie bind x select_item_5)

The x is any key you want it to be. Test out what works and what doesn't. I personally simply use the number bar. 6 and 8 should be there by default, if they aren't; simply add them in.

The point of adding more? Personally preference, but knowing these are here is very important for speedruns. No more will you have to fundle through your inventory for an item; simply highlight the item in your inventory and press the corresponding key to bind it to that key. Now you have an IED on demand! This works for Medkits and Flares as well; so don't be afraid to use this :) A good thing to note that isn't explained in the video attached is that these Keybindings are SAVED through the ENTIRE playthrough. Go from Mission 2 to 3; and the keybinding for Flare will stay, as an example. You can overwrite the keybinding at anytime by applying the key to a different item.

Good times to bind items are as follows: Mission 2 - Lots of down time here. Personal favorite for binding Flare. Mission 5 - Downtime while waiting on Kuhlman at the end. Mission 10 - During the lockdown. Personal favorite for binding everything else. Molotov, Pipebomb, EMP.

Video Demonstration + Visual of the inputs file itself:

