Please fix your Stretched Videos
3 years ago
Illinois, USA

It is important that you record and submit your videos with a 4:3 or "Pixel Perfect" screen ratio.

Stretched screens either with HDMI widescreen or emulation make it harder for the mods to determine if a run is running at accurate FPS (frames per second).

Stretched screens, even by small proportions, make games appear to be running at a faster FPS than they are. Likewise, a squished screen makes it look slower. As mods, we can manually try to correct this when verifying, but its extra work and will not always guarantee we get the ratio corrected.

If we are unable to determine the correct FPS, your runs will be denied.

You can directly change this on your TV or Screen, or within the emulator you're using. And if you absolutely must play with a stretched screen, you can even fix it in OBS by altering the aspect ratio of the video.

Thank you, -Twin

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