High Score or xx,000 Category???
3 years ago
New York, USA

What about a category based on a score goal? Routing would have to include fruits, kills w/ fruits, jumps, and timer bonus in a fairly unique way I'd assume. It also, doesn't take away from the normal categories in anyway and It's unique enough to be a for sure misc. category (won't even show up to over shadow the main categories).


Personally, I'm usually against adding arbitrary categories to the main leaderboard of a game, even as miscellaneous. By arbitrary, I mean that, you cannot assess goal of category, from how the game is constructed. Exceptions are, when some high score is set by default (like e.g. in Wrecking Crew) or when, it's not so obvious, where game loops (for instance in Galaga). In case of DK Jr default high score is 0 (so we would need to think just about some random score to reach) and game naturally loops after 4 levels, which is clearly noticable. However, this game is a port of arcade version, so I can see, that it can be natural here to be focused on score like in many arcade games. In conclusion, I'm still rather reluctant to implement that idea, but not completely against it in the future , if there is enough interest in community.

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