United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

I have posted an update here: https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/thread/k6gl7

Please continue this discussion on the new thread. Thanks.

United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago


Last month, the Level Leaderboard for this game was deleted. All runs were lost. Since then, the pages for these ILs has been restored, but none of the runs remained.

Immediately after this incident, new mods were appointed. Anti_ and myself were made supermod, replacing the old supermod(s), and we also took on hoxi as a verifier. Then, of course, the Anti_ thing happened and he removed himself from all LB mod positions.

Since I have inherited this mess, I have reached out to speedrun.com admins and staff through both Discord and Twitter.

On 14 August, I was told that backups should be able to be restored, and I relayed this information to everyone else. Nothing happened.

On 29 August, I reached out again to follow up. The reply I got back was effectively "we'll nudge someone about it" -- nothing happened.

It is now the 17th of September, and since nothing has happened, I think it's time we take charge of the situation.

IF YOU HAVE DONE IL RUNS, PLEASE RESUBMIT THEM. When uploading, make sure you include the appropriate date, if possible.

IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS DONE IL RUNS, please reach out to them and get them to submit. OR, feel free to post their run(s) in this thread for us to add them.

I apologize that this has taken so long and that effectively nothing good came about it. I did my best to reach out to the appropriate folks, and I gave them ample time to help us out with this ordeal. It is not my intention to pin this problem on them (it's not their fault this happened, and it's a stupid problem for us to have to begin with) -- and since it is also not my intention to beat them over the head with my correspondence, I think this is the best we can do for now.


Osmosis_Jones, Zachoholic dan 16 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

Silent Patch is banned. Only these mods and fixes are allowed: https://www.speedrun.com/gtavc/thread/xjrgi

Derpeth menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

To expand on the above, an explanation by Nick007J:

*The only correct and safe setting is the default one - "use DEP only for..." Explanation. DEP prevents execution from segments that are considered data (it could be used for preventing executing code on the stack). It happens so that for some reason (I assume Securom) VC does execute minor block of code that is present in segment not marked as executable. It is true for all versions of the game. There are two options DEP window offers. First, default one, offers you to have DEP on only for Windows system applications. Second one offers you to have DEP on for all application except ones you choose. Under default option, gta-vc.exe is not going to be affected by DEP. Under second option, DEP is active for gta-vc.exe. If you have second option + exception, you don't have DEP for gta-vc.exe

As you notice, there is no difference between default option and second option + exception. Problem comes when you install mod/convert to JP/change to steam etc. If you had default option, you will never encounter any problems with DEP. You will probably crash (e,g. set file difference), but not because of DEP. If you actually had second option with manual exception, you would have to add exception for new exe. This means DEP settings are absolutely required to be reset to default. There is no advantage or help from changing it whatsoever. Adding exception can only help if you have already made a mistake of touching DEP settings.*

Patrick_ dan Derpeth menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

What do you want me to do? I mean, seriously. I am not SRcom staff. I cannot move mountains. I can't magically restore backups that I do not have access to.

Today, I have reached out to the appropriate parties and asked for a follow up. The reason I haven't posted anything is because the situation has not changed. I literally said I do not have a timeline for this in my above post.

Unless you think you could do a better job in my shoes, I would ask that you be patient. It's unfair to pin this on me. I inherited this mess and I am trying to clean it up.

If backups cannot be restored or anything else happens that puts us at the worst case scenario of having to start from scratch, I will be spearheading that process myself.

Bawn_To_Be_Wild, Rider_Blade dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

Just to keep everyone updated, I have gotten in touch with someone in regards to restoring the ILs leaderboard. Hopefully a backup can be restored soon. I don't have an exact timeline for this (the individual in question is not very active here anymore) but it sounds like, at the very least, we won't have to start totally from scratch. We'll see.


ASadPyro, hoxi dan 9 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

I'm doing my best. Please be patient

Thunder, Harps dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

You're not allowed to use cheats during an IL run. What he did was not a cheat; it was a tuning menu warp, which is possible without cheats so it would of course be allowed in an Any% run.

United StatesKZ_FREW5 years ago

What do you think is shit about the rules?

United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

This has been known about for some time but not written down anywhere: you can pause buffer your way out of collisions.

Nothing fancy, just hold ESC until the path is clear. Sometimes cars are moving too slowly and it won't work. Wastes time, but not nearly as much as crashing and falling off.

Good to keep in mind during Management Issues and WE TIP.

xsharawi, hoxi dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

@Marushko I've added a fix to the OP. After some tweaks of the script, what I use now looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/cS3BGBU.png

United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

@S. so in that sense you would prefer using a script that blocks the last input of a cheat? For example, if you typed DDDDDDAAAAAADW, pressing D to "complete" the cheat blocks the input. You wouldn't be able to use D until another key is pressed to "invalidate" the cheat.

Someone made a script that does just that if I recall (the one @Shadow_Dog mentioned)

United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago


Losing runs to WASD cheats is bullshit. At least I think it is; I don't particularly enjoy the "skill" involved in avoiding those cheats - to me it feels like being punished for trying to navigate the game world efficiently. Nonetheless, there is a speedrun-legit, free and easy way to entirely avoid losing runs to accidental cheats. It's called the magic of AutoHotkey.

If you don't have AHK, head over to this handy dandy link: https://autohotkey.com/download/ and install it, or download the .zip, whatever your fancy is.

Download and set it up. Now, open up your copy of San Andreas and rebind your movement keys to ones that are not part of any cheats. Personally, I use F5 for W, F6 for D, F7 for A and F8 for D. You must apply these bindings to both FOOT and VEHICLE controls, lest you become quickly confused when you hop on the bike and CJ takes a siesta.



With that done, right click on your desktop (or anywhere in Explorer) and select New -> AutoHotkey script.


If the option is not there, just make a new text document and change the file extension to .ahk. Right click on it, and select the "edit script" option. Notepad should open up with a blank file. You will want to setup your script like this:


SingleInstance Force to ensure that multiple and/or old instances do not run. UseHook to prevent the "too many hotkeys" popup. IfWinActive GTA: San Andreas so that your hotkeys are only enabled when you're in the SA window. SeemsGood

Running an .ahk script is easy. Just double-click on it (after you've saved it), and you're good to go. To exit the script, find it in your taskbar and right click -> exit script. The icon will be the little green "H" (or green "S" if you've got the script suspended).


You've got it all set up! GG. Go out there and do some runs without fear of being a dirty little accidental cheater.

gui93, Uppermost dan 20 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

@Tirean that is a decent idea. Even though the category we're trying to define now is supposed to be less "arbitrary", it ends up feeling even more arbitrary because the races, BMX and NRG challenges don't feel even tangentially related to the meat of the game. People will ask "why these challenges?" and I don't even have an answer.

With Tir's category, "All Assets is finishing the storyline, as well as owning all buildings that generate revenue" is easier to explain and compartmentalize. All Assets would allow duping and instapasses, and requirement of the following assets:

Johnson House (temporarily with "Doberman", permanently after "Home Coming") Roboi's Food Mart (LS Courier) Hippy Shopper (SF Courier) Redsands Burger Shot (LV Courier) RS Haul (8 Trucking missions) Vank Hoff Hotel (Valet Parking) Zero RC (Complete ZERO chain) Wang Cars (Complete STEAL chain) Verdant Meadows Airport (Complete TORENO chain) Quarry (7 Quarry missions)

The only thing that I'm kinda sad about with this category is that there's no asset acquired after completing the HEIST chain, so you would totally bypass those missions. "All Assets + Heist Missions" for the meme leaderboards pls OneHand

MToms127, BackmadeJay dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

I didn't like this at first. I thought about it, though, and I'm a fan.

It's a new category, and a new way to explore the game through routing, running and chipping away at a record (unless @FLYlNG just crushes us) - it's a fresh opportunity for the community to work together on a run (although I'm probably being optimist here, it might not have much attention) and also it's an even better way to expand into 100%, because you're doing more of the optional objectives than you'd normally do in ASM.

39daph menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

ASM is a decent bridge between any% and 100%. The jump is staggering nonetheless but it at least can help players compartmentalize their learning process. I don't see a reason it should go or even worse, "trade" one category for the other.

If nothing else leave it for continuity sake. III and VC have these categories as well.

Thunder, LaserTrent, dan BackmadeJay menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

@JOEdrinksBEER right, any% doesn't care if it's fun. Runners do, though, and that's why rulesets have been created time and time again across dozens of communities to make their respective games fun to run, and it works brilliantly. (SM64, OoT, ALTTP, Portal, to start with)

@blacklev to add to this, once a runner has reached the highest level of play the only way they can get a "fresh" experience with the game is different categories and routes, even the antiquated ones have merit as they give the player an experience different than the category that they've grinded out over and over.

United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

Discoverability of the meme boards - which is poor to begin with, but it's probably better that way - isn't the point of this thread. Ryedawg has successfully derailed the thread to "why shouldn't it be on the meme boards?" - perhaps unintentionally, because he doesn't grasp the nuance of the discussion. The question we're actually discussing is "would it be better on the main boards?"

Can All Story Missions be on the meme boards? Yes. Is it better on the main boards? IMHO, yes. It's a clearly defined full game run, which is what the main boards should be. Any% Dupeless/NMS is, when clearly defined, in line with that definition. Is Any% NMS better on the main boards? I'd say yes.

Stop posting about this nonsense, please, and stay on topic. There is a legitimate discussion to be had, but it is being muddied by people entirely missing the point i.e. @ryedawg

zoton2, Thunder dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

You've posted seven times on this page. I think you're the only one bashing on your keyboard here.

If you yourself weren't a small brained ape, you'd probably realize the merit of the discussion we were having until you came along. Like @lelreset has already told you, just because you don't agree with others' reasoning doesn't mean there isn't value to it.

United StatesKZ_FREW6 years ago

I'll defer to @tduva as his stance is pretty much mine.

[quote]As for having it on the main leaderboards: I don't really see an issue with adding it. It's a pretty reasonable category to have (as long as it is defined well!), because I feel people interested in the game (not just runners) will be looking for it ("Hey, I wonder what the best time without all those crazy glitches is like?"). Isn't that what speedrun.com is about? To give people access to information, both on what times and runs there are and forums/guides. Even it the category is not very active, it still informs people about the fact that it's not very popular compared to any%. Maybe it will even get people into running it.[/quote]

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