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FranceChfou7 years ago

I haven't tried Bulletstorm on my laptop yet but the game might need to be played on one of the higher end machines.

benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

For now the timing I used was the following : Timer starts when the Prologue or Chapter 1 (depending on the mode) is done loading and you press the button to continue (Which is the first input you have to make after lauching a new game)

Timer ends when you kick the soldier trying to enter the capsule (which is the last input you have to do to complete the game)

You can see more precisely whe it starts/end on my videos.

benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

Will do. Altough i think Overkill mode is a different mode where all weapons are available. I think they still need to be unloked and you have to redo the skillshots for the infinite ammo.

Still it will probably be faster than Campaign because of the cherged shotgun already available at the start of the game. Plus, iirc, you don't play the prologue again.

benang: Chroma Squad
FranceChfou7 years ago

Does the Chromatize action fully heal each actors?

benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

Hi everyone,

With the Full Clip Edition a new Echoes Mode called "Ultimate Echoes" appeared.

Basically it's the same stages as the Echoes Mode except you are limited weapons and you can get bonus points from promoted skillshots.

What interested me the most is that to unlock scoring for each of the stage, you have to complete 3 challenges for each map.

I think that could be a good category to run unfortunately I haven't find a way to trick the game into thinking you haven't started ultimate echoes yet. That means once you have done every challenges and unlock scoring, you can't do the challenges anymore.

If anyone finds a way to bring back those challenges I'd give him a hug :p

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FranceChfou7 years ago

Small update:

PB for Bulletstorm is now 3:00:30 with a sum of best below 3 hours. There is a NG+ mode as well so I could put it as an incentive as well. The estimate can be set at 3:10:00.

The NG+ gives you access to all weapons at the start and has the option to grant you infinite ammo for a weapon once you complete every skillshot for this weapon.

EDIT : You don't have access to NG+ if you play on a PC that hasn't unlocked it yet. So NG+ incentive isn't possibe unless I find a way to transfer the save from a PC to another one.

benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

The Full Clip ediiton adds another mode called "Overkill mode" where every weapon is unlocked at the start of the game and completing every skillshot for a weapon grants you infinite ammo for that weapon.

Any run made in Overkill Mode will be counted as a NG+ run (since you unlock the mode after completing the game). Right now there isn't a tab for it but feel free to ask me or Shaddex to add it.

benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

Hi everyone

Today is the realease of the Full Clip Edition and so far nothing major change gameplay-wise, only loading times changed so far.

Until some major changes is discovered, I'm putting both version as a variable for the runs. Current records have already been converted to the original version.

If you have any questions of this, fell free to ask them on this thread.

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FranceChfou7 years ago

Update on Bulletstorm :

Full clip Edition has been released today and after a small time of gameplay, i can say that the game is pretty much the same. The game overall looks prettier and the big thing is that every loading screen between chapters isway shorter than before, which looks like a overall 1 minutes of time gained. The in-game cutscenes can also be skipper earlier than the orignal version (though tha may be my PC who is the cause of this)

That means I'd prefer to run the Ful Clip Edition since It's exactly the same as the original one but it gets rid of loading times and that pesky GFWL feature.

You can also reduce the estimate to 3:20:00 for now. You probably should expect another decrease in the estimate before May 1st. A potential incentive would be to use Duke Nukem instead of Grayson Hunt (it's just the player model and voice that changes)

FranceChfou7 years ago

Grats on your PB.

If you can get a video of your run, please try to sumbit your time with a video.

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FranceChfou7 years ago

New update :

My PB is now 3:14 (instead of 3:21) but a sub 3:10 is really possible since i finished the game in 3:11 but took additional time to do the last skillshot i missed.

A better understanding of where and when I can skip fights will help me lower my time again and i'd say with really good execution the run can be around 3h.

Also about the difficulty, i don't plan to try other runs in higher difficulties. Main reason of this is that the weapons, ammo and upgrades are more expensive and you can (in the highest difficulty) die to scripted events and that'd make the marathon.

I'm still waiting to see of the remastered edition adds something new or not.

flicky menyukai ini
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FranceChfou7 years ago

I'd like to know why Bulletstorm was chosen instead of one of my other runs (i know about Hercs because I ran it last year).

I'm not complaining, but i'm just quite troubled since all the runs are eually interesting but you still chose the longest one. Also the other games/series have more runners than Bulletstorm.

Anyway i'll keep you up regularly about the progress of the training.

EDIT : I haven't bought tickets for ESA yet but I'll be there throughtout the whole event.

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FranceChfou7 years ago

one of my games and a neptunia game as well :p

linkboss menyukai ini
benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

Currently you have to add up around 10 minutes to the any% run to get a all Skillshots run (they are realy easy to do except for a few of them).

I'd like to find if there isn't any way to skip parts of the game but the inability to jump and the death walls if you don't kill everyone are just a pain.

I Don't know if you are currently running the game but if you are just post what you tink is useful here.

I'm not currently running but i'll try to get a decent run for ESA and I'll be back when the Full Clip Edition comes out.

benang: Bulletstorm
FranceChfou7 years ago

There isn't currently a category about it but I did some all skillshots runs in the past.

I don't see the point in only doing a few skillshots instead of the whole list since every skillshot can be done in a single playthrough.

For me if you aren't doing all skillshots, you are doing any% but slower since you have to do the skillshots you want to do.

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FranceChfou7 years ago


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FranceChfou7 years ago

I'm taking the train to Vaxjo at 9.06 am instead of 7.06am.

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FranceChfou7 years ago

French notes will be available soon. Otherwise you can check the DHS run of Herc's for some commentary. Feel free to pm me for more info.

Also the SDA page will give you some info about the tricks in this game : http://speeddemosarchive.com/HercsAdventures.html

EDIT : French notes are here : http://pastebin.com/4x2H77nU

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FranceChfou7 years ago

I already have someone who can help me with the commentary of my run but I wouldn't mind having another one, especially because both of us have a terrible English accent :p

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