New Categories
7 years ago

W1 100% W2 100% W3 100% these three have the same rules: Beat every level in the world. Time ends on <boss names> whistle. W1 Lunar Dragon W2 Lunar Dragon W3 Lunar Dragon Beat every level in the world with all dragon coins and moons. Time ends on <boss names> whistle.

Bat dan Broran01 menyukai ini
Michigan, USA

Find enough people to do runs of these categories, then we'll consider making leaderboards for them.

Pear, Xander479, dan Broran01 menyukai ini
Michigan, USA

What about 1 yump, 4 categories, each one for each switch palace.

Staffordshire, England

Again, I really doubt people would run them (technically you could yump any switch palace for 1 yump) cause the category was only a thing for a short time really

Baltimore, MD, USA

4 yumps OpieOP

drams_cat dan Broran01 menyukai ini
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

99 lives! Arrive in 99 lives in the shortest possible time

Florida, USA

^ I'm with this guy. I already have a really good run to submit for it.

Kentucky, USA

My W1 100% pb is 7:08 so it seems like a good catogerey

Staffordshire, England

If you want w1 100% then we already have obroe% and that's close enough