Corona Clip?
8 years ago
Colorado, USA

The loading zone doesn't exist until all Episode 7 shines are collected.

1UpsForLife menyukai ini

You can clip into there a few ways, I think mostly involving Yoshi ad wall kicks, but as Jumpyluff said there's no loading zone. If you'd like to get in there though, ask someone who knows how to Y-Turn wall kick well, or for the Yoshi method, ask Paperario.

MarvJungs dan 1UpsForLife menyukai ini
United States

Isn't there like the thing where if you die on the file select, it warps you to the last cutscene viewed? So just view the opening Corona cutscene, find a way to die on file select (which right now is impossible), and voila! It's not a clip but it is a wrong warp.

Colorado, USA

There's been a $20 bounty on that being found for a year and a half.

Coolmath, as far as I know (I like half helped find this, but I still know very little about it), it takes you to the last file you played. If you die and you just started it, I'd imagine you go to A or something. It then should skip the landing cutscene, and then you reset and do it again and you can skip the second cutscene, I think. This was all done with very odd savestate codes, though, so it could all not work. lol

Colorado, USA

His name is coolmath10, not coolmath. Don't listen to a word Milk says.

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