Help with Out of Bounds
1 year ago
United States

I've been running Turf Wars lately as it's my first category in any game to run. Out of three submitted runs I was able to lower my time by 24 minutes. I wasn't going to attempt out of bounds glitches quite yet, but now I really want to shave that time off of future runs. I've watched runs from Pessilist and JHobs featuring the glitch on Turf Wars. I attempted to perform the glitch myself and, out of several attempts, I managed to get all the way through to the cutscene only once. When initially going out of bounds, I fail not knowing if I have the position of Spidey wrong or the timing of the web shooters and/or suit power. Also, once I get the interior of the level loaded, I fall to my death quite a bit going out the window. Are there any tips you guys can give me? Any subtle details I'm missing out on?

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Virginia, USA

I'd start recording your runs and submitting to the leaderboards if you haven't yet! Having video to reference makes it much easier to give tips on what's going wrong. I'm a little out of the game when it comes to Turf Wars atm, so I don't really remember exactly how the clip works, but I pinged a few folks in the Discord who can hopefully help out a bit more!

I also recommend joining the Discord if you haven't yet. You can find a link to it by click on the logo just below the Follow button / just above the game links.

United States

Thanks JHobz. I just now joined the discord.

United States

Hi Dirka. There are a few different ways to do the oobs and for all of them the positioning is pretty specific. Essentially what I try to do is crawl downward towards the top of the door and line Spidy's head up to where it's just about touching the top of the doorway. Once Spidy's head is practically touching I hold L2 (which will position Spidy upright), mash R1 (webshoot), and mash out the web blossom all in one motion. If it's failing it's likely either the positioning (try to get as close to the door frame as you can) or Spidy isn't in the process of web shooting when you web blossom (this is why I mash the webshoot, it has to be one quick motion). Hopefully that's helpful, it takes time to get used to and even more time to do it quickly, starting out take as much time for the set up as you need. As Hobz said please feel free to join the discord and share videos, it makes it easier for us to give specific feedback on what is/isn't working.

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