All Quests?
7 years ago

It will obviously have to be segmented but will we ever see a category of "All Quests" on this page?

Rexbasedcereal dan Mungaru menyukai ini

@SuperBlitzCraig Sorry for the 4 month late reply, I didnt get notified on this until just checking out the RS3 section. Im sure this can be looked into!

Karpnado menyukai ini

Hey thanks for getting back to me, and no worries! The forums on this site aren't the best at notifying aha

Rexbasedcereal menyukai ini

@SuperBlitzCraig when you mean all quests do you mean all from f2p and members or just one or the other?


I mean all the quests in the game. Of course this category would HAVE to be segmented, I couldn't imagine someone doing like 100+ hours in one sitting but some people have done some insane achievements with games and maybe if people see it's there then they'll go for it. Alternatively, all the F2P or Members quests instead. But yeah, figured I'd throw out some thoughts haha.

Rexbasedcereal menyukai ini

@SuperBlitzCraig will talk to some of the other moderators I'm sure we can think of something

Georgia, USA

I think instead of all quests, it'd be a speedrun to complete a certain master or grandmaster quest from a fresh account, like While Guthix Sleeps

Pear menyukai ini
Kansas, USA

If we did do All Quests we'd likely make it based on account age/time. As long as you aren't in the lobby or in-game it won't increase.

Pear menyukai ini
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