Not a Hero DLC NG Professional Guide (In progress.)
Not a Hero DLC NG Professional Guide (In progress.)
Diperbarui 6 years ago oleh Smashbro6894

Still testing this guide and adjusting as needed. But from a few runs, this is what I have taken notes on.

⦁ Skip Phone Call scene. ⦁ Proceed through the minesuntil you see the first molded and turn right out of the small tunnel. ⦁ Go up towards the tunnel on the left and avoid the molded. ⦁ Wait for the second molded to come out of the tunnel as you can't walk through the tunnel otherwise. ⦁ Hug the left wall as you proceed through the mines until you get to the research facility and head up the stairs and inside.
⦁ Trigger the cutscene. ⦁ Head through the door and pick up the neuro grenade on the serum machine, and the health item on the desk to the left behind the serum machine. ⦁ Proceed through the room to the next room and grab both grenades on the desk, ⦁ Head outside to get into clean air and stand a bit to the left while the white molded spawns and walks toward you. ⦁ Walk around its right side to try avoiding damage and go through the steel door. ⦁ Proceed straight to the elevator and avoid damage as best you can. While in the elevator, set up your inventory however suits you. ⦁ Once the elevator lands, head towards the red garage door. On both sides will be yellow barrels with items, grab both items on the way. ⦁ Trigger the red shutter door and pause a few seconds. This door takes a while to load and pause stops in IGT from going up while it loads the next area. wait about 7-10 seconds before continuing. ⦁ Head through the tunnel all the way to the next elevator. ⦁ Bear right and walk right up to the Mama Molded and block a charge attack. (please no vomit) ⦁ Go right and around the molded and grab the grenade on the blue barrel and the crank to the right of it. Then head to the right and hop down. ⦁ Go behind the minecart where the cog is and grab it and the grenades near it. Get a neuro grenade ready for the next step.
⦁ Have your menuing set up so that you can put the cog and the crank in the post ASAP and then stun the molded behind you so you are safe to turn the crank. ⦁ Walk up to the key and block the Mama Molded attack. Head to the right and break open the box and take the item. ⦁ Head towards the elevator and grab the healing item on the barrel to your right side on the way. ⦁ Go down the elevator, and menu as needed. Put your cursor on the key for immediate use. ⦁ Go get the clean air filter from the cell. ⦁ Head back to the main room and go to the green shutter door next. ⦁ Turn crank to enter next room, enter the door on the left. ⦁ The list of turns to navigate the room is as follows 1. Left 2. Right 3. Right 4. Left 5. Right 6. Left 7. Left 8. Right 9. Left 10. Door on Right ⦁ Grab the night vision module and to anit-regen rounds. and the flame grenades on the spool behind you ⦁ Go out the door you came in and head to the right into the dark. You can now see with the night vision module. ⦁ Head through the next door, break the box in front and drop down the hole. ⦁ Go straight to the switches and position them in this order from left to right is UP, DOWN, UP. ⦁ Head down the corridor on the right and call the elevator. Menu as needed. ⦁ As you exit the elevator, walk over to the other side of the hall and grab the neuro grenades and head right. ⦁ Do your very best to avoid taking too much damage from the turrets. ⦁ Behind the turrets, a Mama Molded will spawn in the hall. Get around it asap. Block the charge attack and squeeze through. ⦁ Grab the neuro grenade to the left behind it and proceed. Grab the health item on the right and proceed. Equip a flame grenade. ⦁ Go left through the door, and to the right, 4-legged molded will spawn. Kill the with the flame grenade. ⦁ Switch to a hand grenade and kill the turrets in the back to make it safe. ⦁ Head left, then right and avoid the turrent and go through the door and back to the main room. ⦁ Next up is the gray shutter door. With the night vision, avoid the booby traps and head down the tunnel. ⦁ Go into the next room and push the mine cart the break the wood. A headless exploding molded while come barreling through. Block it. ⦁ Head through, and then into the next minecart room. ⦁ Push the first blue tape minecart thats in front of you as you enter the room, then the yellow tape minecart, and finally the balloon minecart. A molded will blow up on you, heal as you proceed into the next room. ⦁ Go into the blocked area and to the left is a door. Past that door, go right and into the first door on the right. ⦁ There are 6 booby traps in this room. There are 4 that you need to destroy as you first enter. Grab the items on the shelf at the first corner. There are 2 more as you make your way to the clown key. ⦁ 4-legged Molded will spawn as you grab the key so be ready. Equip a neuro grenade and exit the room and go right. ⦁ Stun the 4-legged molded in the hall to make it safer to unlock the door. ⦁ Head through the door and to the left. Duck under the trap and have a hand grenade out for the next set of traps. ⦁ Go left down the hall, duck under the first trap and throw a grenade into the next set of lasers to blow them up and make it safe to walk through. ⦁ Kill the baby molded as you make your way through the maze of lasers. ⦁ Go turn off the power, then "save" the soldier. ⦁ Grab the shotgun on the way out of the room and wait for the inevitable. ⦁ Menu as needed. Make your way up the ladder and through the shutter door on the right. ⦁ Go back to the main room and head into the red shutter door. ⦁ Go up the evelator and head to the clown key door. ⦁ Go through the door, grab the flame grenades and proceed through the room. ⦁ Grab both items on the front of the big vehicle. Trigger the boss fight. ⦁ Shoot the Mama Molded with 1 Anti-regen round. Then put 7 shotgun shells into her and punch her to stagger her, reload the gun after.. Pull out a hand grenade and right as she goes to charge you throw it and stagger her again. Repeat the process until its dead. ⦁ Collect some items and then go deactivate the bomb. ⦁ Pull the switch on the other side of the room and go through the big door that it opens. ⦁ Go straight to the lift and go down. ⦁ Head back into the main room. and trigger the big vault door. ⦁ Head inside and collect the items outside of the fight trigger. ⦁ The strategy for the waves is to disable the enemies so you don't get stun-locked. During punching animations, you are invincible so try your best to stagger and punch as many enemies as it makes sense to. The current loadout to have would be the shotgun, a neuro stun grenade, the pistol with regular rounds currently loaded, and hand grenades. Kill the exploding molded as soon as possible as they are very dangerous.


  1. 6 Regular Molded 1 Exploding Molded 1 White Molded
  2. 3 Four-Legged Molded 5 Regular Molded 1 White Molded
  3. 2 Fat Molded

⦁ Head up the stairs once they are dead and grab some items. Wait by the grate to the left of the entrance to leave when the prompt appears. ⦁ Drop down into the caves and hug the left wall and head into the facility. Go straight up the stairs, turn left, and then keep going straight. Avoid the enemies as best you can. ⦁ Go left at the end of the hall and as you round the corner, PAUSE. This will trigger the loading zone for the next area without taking IGT to do so. ⦁ Proceed down the hall and head into the door on the left and pull the switch that is in there. ⦁ Wait near the door to the right of the windows so you can chase Lucas. ⦁ In the next hallway hug the left wall and open the locker for the item thats in the nook. Head into the next room and GRAB EVERYTHING YOU CAN. ⦁ Ideal setup is shotgun, pistol, flame and hand grenades.

Final Boss : Molded Lucas
To start the fight, wait until he falls onto the floor and then is standing up completely. Shoot a few pistol rounds into him and trigger his leaping attack. While he prepares to leap at you, get a flame grenade ready and throw it as he leaps to stop him and allow you to continue empty pistol rounds into him. Aim for the head for the most damage. after he recovers from the stun, he will likely leap at you again. dodge it by moving behind cover(preferably the machine in the middle of the room.). Continue shooting him as he recovers from his attack and he should become vunerable. While he is vunerable, take out the shotgun and use this time to unload as many shells into him as you can. Block or dodge his counter-attack and throw a flame grenade on him after he recovers. He won't get stunned if you do it during his animation. Keep shooting shotgun shells at him. Block whatever attack he throws out and keep shooting until you have to reload, then retreat behind cover. He might start using his flurry move at this time so get as far away as you can so you dont take a bunch of damage. Shoot him with the pistol after he stops attacking and he should become vunerable again. Empty a full clip of shotgun shells into him and head to the wall opposite the entrance. Switch the pistol to anti-regen rounds and then equip a flame grenade. Lucas will make the air contaminated and then jump down in your direction. After he lands, use flame grenades to interrupt his attack and shoot him with the shotgun when safe and empty your remaining anti-regen bullets into him until he retreats onto the machine in the middle of the room. Be mindful that you are losing oxygen and fill up if you have to. Once you are out of Flame grenades, switch to the neuro grenades and use those and your hand grenades. Keep doing as much damage until lucas is dead. Skip the cutscene and you have just completed the Not a Hero DLC on professional.