Glitchless Rules - Clipping
8 years ago
Texas, USA

As of now, the Glitchless category says "No OOB, no kickglitch, no slideglitch and no beamer," but tonight and yesterday while I was streaming two runners have told me that in Glitchless mode that clipping is not allowed. I used it on the Boat early on in the chapter for my current PB, which isn't a huge issue because my second best time is only eight seconds slower and is still in the same place. Nonetheless, I need to know for future reference before I continue doing it or not.

South Australia, Australia

Can you give a video example of the clipping just so that we are all talking about the same thing?


The reason so many random things are allowed in glitchless is because we didn't want to have too many specific rules. To make it as easy as possible to understand, so a lot of tricks that can be considered glitches are still allowed.

The clip on the boat used to be allowed, but then the community decided against it. I didn't personally like this since it is a very specific rules. There are clips in the run that are still allowed and that the WR run does, like the pipes in 8B or a fast climb through a railing. The community should probably decide on if "clipping" in general should be allowed, but as of now the clip in the boat is not allowed.


The clip where you jump from the pipe and vault the vent?

South Australia, Australia

The community should probably decide on if "clipping" in general should be allowed, but as of now the clip in the boat is not allowed.

I agree that in principle this would be better because it would be a general rule rather than being specific to one trick, but it might turn out to be more difficult to get people to agree that way. The alternative would be to make a list of all known clips and then have some sort of vote on what should be allowed in a manner similar to the Glitchless categories in games like Ocarina of Time. This is a less elegant solution but at least it would be clear what is and is not allowed.

I general I think at least more detailed explanations of the rules would be helpful, though, as I've seen a lot of new players pass up the (arguably easier to learn) Glitchless category because they can't find an explanation better than Arie's pastebin, which is basically what is listed here anyway.

Texas, USA

It is in my run at 46:22, but I think I got my answer already. So if it isn't allowed on the Boat specifically, are there spots where it is allowed, and why was it deemed illegal in this instance but not others?

South Australia, Australia

See, if 46:22 in that video isn't allowed (and I can totally see why), how different is that from 47:02 really? Not saying that the rules should be changed for either, but it does illustrate the need for clarification.

Texas, USA

I will be one hundred percent honest and say that I got confused of what was and wasn't allowed in a run. But in that same run why is the clip at 46:50 allowed (wall run where my head is literally in the vent I run pass) but the jump a little after from the pipe to the vent is not? I'm not saying either one should or shouldn't be allowed, but I've been speed running Glitchless for almost two years at this point and haven't heard of anything about this until Saturday. Today was the first day in a Glitchless run I haven't done the clip since I found out about it when my time was still at 1:30. It just needs some clarification, or maybe some explanation video.


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