New York Minute Hardcore, In-Game Timer and Autosplitter/Load Remover explanation.
New York Minute Hardcore, In-Game Timer and Autosplitter/Load Remover explanation.
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh DanielTheAssassin


This guide is going to go through how the IG Timer and the Autosplitter work in NYMHC.

An important thing to note!: They are both the same timer that runs throughout the entirety of the run. The only key difference is that with the auto-splitter, you can see the time at any point during the run and you can have splits; whilst with the in-game timer, you can only see what you've got at the end of the run.

As mentioned before, this is all In-Game timing, so that means that loads and intermission screens are not timed. HOWEVER, this goes much deeper than that. The timer also keeps track of bullet time, bullet cams (final enemy kill cams), interactions, cutscenes and cutscene triggers. For bullet time and shootdodging, the timer slows down with them. The rest of what it keeps track of are not timed.

Kill Cams and Cutscenes

Kill Cams and Cutscenes are both game elements that aren't timed. Kill cams are special in this case due to the fact that you can move Max during them, albeit with very weird controls. Using Kill Cams to your advantage is mostly based on luck because of how there's more than one type of kill cam, some shorter, some longer. The best strategy is usually to get a kill cam where it shows the kill in real time and doesn't end immediately. With this, you can move Max further whilst the timer is still paused because of the Kill Cam. The only problem with this strategy is how wonky movement is and getting the luck for a good kill cam.

Regardless of how good or bad Kill Cams are, skipping them isn't recommended, even the most unluckiest type of kill cam can save just a few valuable miliseconds.

Interactions and Cutscene triggers

Both Interactions and Cutscene triggers have two thing in common:

  1. They aren't timed when you enter their general area. (The QTE in Chapter 9 is timed.)
  2. When you're in their general area, Max starts walking automatically and won't stop walking until you walk away from the trigger/interaction or you activate them. The difference between both of them is the following: Interactions require you to push/mash the use key (E by default) to activate them, whilst Cutscene triggers activate automatically once you walk further into them.

The best way to use these is to do a shootdodge (which slows down time), or just plain bullet time + rolling, to reach them. This saves time because once you're in their general area, the timer pauses, regardless of how Max enters them.

In conclusion, the timer in Max Payne 3 NYMHC is the most fascinating timer I've seen: the different elements that slow down and stop the timer can be used to their fullest to achieve the shortest time possible, making NYMHC the most tightest category out there when it comes to strategy, tactics, skill and luck.

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