Changes in the moderation team
7 years ago


I've been alerted about the situation of the GTAV leaderboards, and I could see that the current moderators were either inactive, not willing to continue moderation, or not willing to keep the leaderboard accurate. Therefore, the previous mods have been replaced by Ryedawg and ToriksLV who showed me their motivation to fix the boards and moderate them in a better way.

MToms127, hoxi dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini


DarkViperAU menyukai ini

I am grateful for Ryedawg and the other candidates who sought this nomination. Their convictions strengthen our speedrunning community.

I am especially grateful tonight to my #GTA brother and sisters.

No matter what else I do in life, asking Ryedawg to mod GTAV was the best decision we ever made.

And Toriks, everyone loves you and so do I.

Growing up, he gave me love and lots of advice.

And I want to thank my Gyoo — the most decent man I have ever known.

All my life I have been amazed that a gentle soul could be so strong.

And Gyoo, I want you to know how proud I am.

Zachoholic dan 39daph menyukai ini
New South Wales, Australia


What has occurred here once again confirms why Ryedawg is both untrustworthy and undeserving for any position of authority. Ryedawg stopped running this game 2015-05-29. He stopped any level of consideration for the routing, the game itself or the leaderboards. How has his two years of absence and a sudden renewed interest to complain about non-existent problems, instigate witch hunts and spam memes, constitute showing motivation? Given that this "changing of the guard" was done without any consultation with the current moderators again shows that Ryedawg is not fit to lead. He has on one hand complained about insufficient discussion with changes (when the majority disagrees with what he wants). But on the otherhand, he has taken it upon himself to make the ultimate change to crown himself king without any form of discussion. It is a level of hypocrisy few have the chance to witness.

Ryedawg is a man who advocated that exclusive DLC (unobtainable by new runners by any means and that gave an in-game advantage) should be allowed in the game. Why? Because he wanted to buy a helicopter. Being a moderator is more than simply changing numbers on a leaderboard, a mod has the power to define what makes the runs what they are. It involves making decisions that are the best for everyone, not simply Ryedawg (who appears to be the only person he truly cares about). Ryedawg, with this action, shows he has no desire to consider others in his actions. He additionally knows nothing about the current state of the game and has not even shown the time and patience to improve his skill at it beyond a mediocre level. He even seems to have spurred on people to submit false times to this leaderboard. What exactly qualifies this untrustworthy, impatient, uncommitted, power hungry and sporadically interested person to usurp all those who were once mod?

Toriks should have been mod long ago, but not as a tool for Ryedawg to justify giving himself a crown. Toriks has been largely absent from any of the larger discussions that have occurred on the discord revolving around rules and changes. He also previously turned down the chance to be a moderator when it was once offered to him, this hardly shows motivation to be a mod. He additionally has obligations with his work and this does not likely mean he has the time to trawl through the submissions that are received. He is there for Ryedawg to justify taking control, that is all.

That you disagreed with what I view as a sufficient level of accuracy, does not mean that the methodology I employed as a mod did not result in the same level as accuracy that you apparently crave. I did not, at any point, suggest I was not willing to maintain accuracy. I would have noted this, had you asked me about the topic. Find me any person who has run the game in the last year that has found the accuracy lacking.

It appears that even speedrunning is not free of cronyism, at least this is what it appears like on the surface and seems the only reasonable way to explain this outcome. There are two people who have, for the last two years, stuck with the game and built the run to what it is. You don't need extra guesses to know who they are, me and Toriks. Even beyond this, there are literally dozens of people who have put more time and consideration into everything surrounding GTAV than Ryedawg. Had Toriks been made a mod, the sole mod, it wouldn't have made sense but it wouldn't have been as objectionable. Of all the people who have commented/liked above me, the most recent run done by any of them was 2015-07-24 by Mizterconfusing. I am impressed Ryedawg that you were able to troll your way into power, I am angry at myself that I even more a moment defended you from criticism or held even a modicum of respect for you. You do not need to readd me as a mod, but Ryedawg being a mod is a mockery to everything even tangentially related to this discussion.

¤edit: What has further come to light is that Ryedawg had lied about the state of rule changes, as well as the additional mod he wanted to add.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Akja, Retro_CJ dan 13 lainnya menyukai ini

I agree wholeheartedly with what darkviper88 has presented here. Someone such as ryedawg who has long stopped running the game and who has sporadic interest in the game is not fit to be in this position. Potentially changing the rules of the runs for personal gain would be a horrendous abuse of power. Toriks and darkviper88 should be the mods of this board as they are the two people who are the most active on the speedruns of GTAV.

GreatOne, ranbara, dan BustaCarl menyukai ini
United States

  1. Ryedawg points out that leaderboard times are inaccurate.
  2. Current mod acknowledges times are incorrect.
  3. Ryedawg requests times are fixed.
  4. Current mods refuse.
  5. Ryedawg volunteers his own time to ensure the accuracy of verified times.

Honestly, with the old mod team it would have taken no time at all to correct something you all should have already been on the lookout for the first time. Don't be upset with Ryedawg for taking the burden off of you, but be upset with yourselves that you wanted the privilege of being a moderator without actually doing the job.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Zachoholic, MToms127 dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
New South Wales, Australia

Was written on a phone, I was being flippant and making a joke that it a meme category. You may note the other surrounding text where I advocated that any inaccuracies with times, when found, should be corrected. Nice quote mine champ. Despite your dishonesty, I am happy you have taken an interest in GTA V speedrunning. Perhaps you plan to do a run? I know most of the recent runners are viewers of mine, have you been to a GTA V speedrun stream recently?

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
TKM menyukai ini
United States

So why were incorrect times not corrected then?

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

'ToriksLV who showed me [his] motivation'

I had to explain the situation to Toriks. He seemed to believe the other mods would still be here, and thus we could discuss it with them. Ryedawg seems to have spoken in half truths, or outright lies.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
TKM menyukai ini
California, USA

While I don't agree that Ryedawg is the best person to moderate the leaderboards, I do think that a change was inevitably due. If incorrect times aren't being fixed by a moderator, then a change should be in order. However, I'd like to point out that the times brought up in this thread seem to have been fixed by Havi. (i could be wrong) Regardless, the situation was brought up by Ryedawg, so obviously something needed to be fixed.

New Zealand

"... ToriksLV who showed me their motivation to fix the boards and moderate them in a better way." Time and time again I have heard Toriks specifically say that he doesn't want the responsibility of moderator, and once when offered, he declined. How does this show motivation? That statement by Gyoo either shows his lack of research on this matter, or misinformation intentionally/deceitfully given by Ryedawg to officials with intent to gain power, advocating Toriks to not make himself look selfish. I believe that many in the community strongly disagree with giving Ryedawg "Super-Mod" status, as he is a known troll in the GTA V community, or at least in my an many others eyes. Even if toriks doesn't want mod, he is at least trustworthy enough to be one.

GreatOne, Mattmatt dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
New South Wales, Australia

@Zachoholic The few 'false runs' that were submitted to make the current mods look bad were all caught. Perhaps Rye was planning his takeover early on? Ryedawg dug back to runs that were done prior to any of the current active mods even existing. He used runs from before I even started running (two years ago) to justify removing the current mod staff. The few runs he noted that were actually from recent years were off by at best a few seconds, most often one second. He made an application for mod, was rejected, and so he went around the current mods to give himself power. Classic Ryedawg, if he doesn't get his way he will break the rules and ignore everyone to do it.

Is there a single mod, or runner within the last year, who knew this was going to occur? He is currently being active as a mod in order to secure his power, past experience shows this will not last. This experience also shows that he will not be a mod interested in the views of other runners and his word will be final. If greater scrutiny was needed, I am at a loss to find even one complaint from a current runner, then a word from Gyoo would have been sufficient. Ryedawg didn't take this path because its about his own gratification, not the leaderboards.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
GreatOne, Edub dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini

My first post and I'm not a runner just a big fan of GTAV speedruns. My point of view may not be important but here it is. I don't feel you should have a mod who on his stream (and in chat) has on more than 1 occasion made fun of autistic people. I have a brother who has severe autism and it may be a joke to some but it is real life and to constantly (even after I have contacted Ryedawg) ridicule and call people spastics just for cheap laughs is not a good look. It may be a minor issue to some but it breaks my heart every time he does it. To see him promoted to a position of importance at speedrun forums is a real shame.

GreatOne, Edub dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Western Australia, Australia

The fact is this should have been discussed thoroughly with the previous mods and anyone else involved before any action was taken.

S., TKM dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

They didn't submit false runs to "make the mods look bad", it's called proving a point. Just because the runs were old doesn't mean they don't have to be fixed, we spoke about this on discord and you just flat out refused to fix wrongly timed runs because apparently it doesn't matter if they're wrong unless it changes someone's position on the LB or is WR. Furthermore you, as an excuse for your laziness, ineptitude, or whatever it was, say that you doubt no clerical errors exist even in the SMB1 LB. This isn't correct, every single run in the SMB1 leaderboards is correct down to the milisecond, gonna throw in another board that is correct down to the milisecond, it being Refunct and I mention it due to it being a newer game that I know some runners of. But these are just 2 examples, there are countless of LBs that are 100%, or 99% correct on the website. All we wanted was a mod team who were willing to at least have a peek at the videos submitted and that would fix times that were submitted wrongly while also fixing the old runs with improper timing, but nobody could be arsed, Ryedawg could and was very serious about it. If you don't like Ryedawg, I suggest you look at this as a necessary evil, nobody was willing to mod the game properly, he stepped in and did the thing. Havi specifically was accepting every run without even looking at the video for one. I'll leave you with one (there is a screenshot as proof but it isn't needed) more screenshot pointing out that a mod didn't actually care about the LB at all. And I suggest people stop posting here if they don't know what's going on, we've had multiple discussions on discord for a few months, the mods either didn't care or refused to do their jobs properly and never changed.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
FingerQuick dan PowerSlaveAlfons menyukai ini
California, USA

Dang my position on this changed a bit :D

  1. It doesn't seem like toriks gives a crap about whether he's mod or not, as evidenced by the clips DV provided. 1a. I do agree that Toriks is a trusted mod.
  2. I do agree that Ryedawg is a known troll, and I've had experience with him being that way (which doesn't belong on the forums anyways).
  3. Those are quite old runs, some that even Kyle verified. I don't think it matters too much whether the times are correct down to a second or so, yet I think that it should be enforced for consistency's sake.
  4. I also don't see any outcry from the runners/viewers about the (now former) mods doing a bad job. It could have happened in Discord though, so this point is probably moot. 4a. It seems any corrections were fixed by Havi in that thread. 4b. DV, you should've just fixed the times instead of calling the game you used to moderate a "meme".

Okay. I wanted to make a long reply to darkviper's first arguments later, but considering how it's turning out I will make a shorter answer right now. I hope it will at least calm down the situation a bit, though I don't have a lot of time on my hands from work.

What you are telling me of Ryedawg, I wasn't aware of. As I told zoton on Twitter, I don't know the man enough to know about his tendency to "troll" and "being insulting to autistic people" as you are saying. When I take such requests, I do my best to dig in a bit, trying not to be biased by asking multiple people. Now maybe I should have made more research, I must admit.

To my defense, and also to Toriks' defense, I've been shown a conversation between Ryedawg and him, here it is : MizterConfusing was also on the list but in the end I decided not to add him.

After I've been reported of the situation, I've read some pretty long chat logs that were summing up how the old crew was moderating : as I said, a bunch of either inactive people (Nord, M_tt), Zoton didn't want to keep going, Havii was accepting pretty much everything without checking much, and darkviper ¤seemed¤ to go the same way. The moderation logs also helped me to lead to this conclusion. Having such a thing on the leaderboard of a rather big game was surprising, and this is why I decided to go with Ryedawg's suggestions.

Now, I must admit that it might be a bad move to rush this. My previous experiences showed me that having a "confrontation" between mods and people reporting them hardly leads anywhere, because both sides will stand on their positions. This is why I decided to act.

As a final word, please keep in mind that if things turn bad, first, I have means to check that, and second, you are also allowed to report as Ryedawg did. In the meantime, I am all ears to try and find a solution that will please the most. Maybe Ryedawg doesn't achieve unanimity but if this is what was needed to make things move, then I take responsibility.

zoton2, JOEdrinksBEER dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Washington, USA

Just putting this out there just as a criticism, but unfortunately this will go against Viper although it wasn't the main leaderboard this was still an issue at the time in regards to what gael brought up in the post earlier.

When Toriks and Viper both got the same time in "Trevor%" someone in my community decided to time toriks and vipers runs and it turned out the time all 3 times was incorrect saying viper was faster than toriks when he wasn't. I'm assuming this was at vipers fault and if I got this story incorrect feel free to correct me, but this error could've translated over to the main leaderboards at some point even. I'm not saying this should effect him as being demodded, but I think there's some responsibility to acknowledge if you're doing a poor job as a moderator and try your best to correct your mistakes and try not to make new ones. (This was by miliseconds btw.)

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Zachoholic menyukai ini
New Zealand

My main concern is having Ryedawg as Super Mod, as stated in my previous response. Although not likely, it is the concern that Ryedawg being Super-Mod might not be as reasonable/responsible with said power. DarkViper88 is the one who has been very active the past two years, and is the one who cares about changes to and upholding the rules of the leaderboards. Admittedly some screenshots make him look bad when it comes to times, but I believe that for the most part it is due to Ryedawg being over pedantic to want the times to get to the exact second. DV doesn't mind about a 2-3 difference off, in a SIX HOUR+ long run (which I and many others agree with as per the various discussions throughout the past couple of months) as most think it isn't worth the time to re-time it when the difference is so negligible, unless two times are very close. For these reasons, I believe DarkViper88 should be Super-Mod, and I am not against having Toriks and Ryedawg as normal mods.

TKM dan BustaCarl menyukai ini
Washington, USA

I don't believe bringing up screenshots in any matter does any justice to a discussion as things can and will inevitably be taken out of context and you shouldn't just use that as evidence against someone for doing a poor job. Ryedawg having full power over the leaderboard is something I don't agree with tho. I won't give a reason as the reasons have already been stated by previous posts by others. Although I feel toriks having responsibility over the boards alone is unfair as he would have to do everything himself.

Just my personal opinions and observations.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Zachoholic menyukai ini