Issues with moderators
7 years ago

This is an alt account I just made since I don't currently want to name the game or the moderators. I mainly want opinions, maybe other people think I am in the wrong but obviously I don't think I am myself.

I opened a thread on the game's forum requesting a rule change. There was an issue in that many of the rules didn't precisely follow the rules. They could still be timed equally to each other but clearly that was a problem. There were a couple of other rule change requests that clarified what is and is not allowed.

After 6 days of waiting for a response I bumped the thread. I think some people would consider that a short time but the mods were still accepting runs and making occasional posts on the forums so I knew they were active.

After 3 more days I bumped the thread again. This time it was locked, I then made another thread asking why the thread was locked... which soon got locked.

Then I messaged one of the series moderators with roughly what I've written here. He didn't take my issue seriously so I still had no proper response to my rule change request.

I can imagine people will tell me I bumped the thread too much but I don't think a response was ever coming. Also it may be the case that I should take the thread lockings as indication that the mods do not approve my rule change suggestion, but I would want a good reason for not implementing changes which stop the runs breaking the rules.

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Well, we'll have to know more context than that. Generally mods wouldn't act like that for no reason. Have you broken any of the game rules previously in submissions? Have you done something to annoy them previously?

Either way it's pretty bad moderating. If nothing's working you can try contacting site staff and they might be able to sort it out.

Edit: You can also try to take over the game yourself via this thread, but that's a last resort.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

I had talked to one mod before this. The new WR had a minor issue in timing so I asked what he thought and he said it didn't matter. Then I realised a lot of the runs didn't follow the rules at which point I opened the thread requesting a rule change.


Just name the game/moderators involved. If you have a serious case that is being brushed off by the relevant people, there's nothing wrong with laying the issue out in a public manner providing you've tried to get the issue addressed in a more private, civil manner.

More moderators in general need to wake up and realise that they can't just run their games arbitrarily in whatever manner they wish and expect to get away with it without anyone objecting.

Aureus_Lunae dan alkamaass menyukai ini
United States

You can send me a Twitch PM if you want but I'll need to know the game obviously. The site logs forum posts and run processing which usually tells most of the story.