New ruling renouncement.
8 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Hey there all. if you have been around for a while you may know that there was a rule compeltely banning the Right Click/Play feature because it broke the game and made it a 20 second run. However very recently I found a cool trick, which eliminates the time you have to wait for the other ducks to finish the race. If you right click/play as soon as your duck is finished, the game will recognize you won, and you can menu out of the new race, and go back to the menu. It can also be used to skip races once you no longer need to buy skill seed but again, you still must beat the champion legitimately.

Now, to incorporate this trick, without letting people skip to the end of the game in 20 seconds, I talked to another mod, Cheggjon about it for a while, and we came upon the solution of having to beat the champion duck by crossing the finish line. This means the Right Click/Play feature can be used to skip waiting (Like a reset) but not break the game since you still have to level up to beat the champion. We have written out the rules to boldly illustrate how this can be used, and I hope you are all ok with the new rules. This trick saves about 2 minutes so it is very helpful!

Any% -Must beat the Champion by legitimate means (Must cross the finish line in the last race) -Using the Right-Click/Play method is allowed (However you must beat the champion, and not skip him) -Timer starts when "clear file" is clicked. Timer ends when champion is beat. -Skill seed is allowed to be used.[THIS IS CHANGED TO CANNOT BE USED FOR THE NO SS CATEGORY] -No external tools are allowed to be used. -Must be played on: or or the downlaoded version.

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago
Cheggjon menyukai ini
Connecticut, USA

I say we turn this into a new category

Victoria, Australia

We considered it for a while but decided against it due to the fact that it isn't really different enough and having 25 runs be in an obsolete category and 3 times be in the new category would seem a bit weird. it literally just incorporates skipping wait times into old routes.

Victoria, Australia

Also calling it true any% is false because true any% would skip the champion.

Connecticut, USA

the only reason why I am against having it included with the regular times is that the older times followed different rules and so if you want to change the rules, it should be in a new category

Victoria, Australia

people who have times can easily get PBs again though. its not like times are permanent. Also it's not really a rule change, it is a new glitch that was found that does not completely break the game. having 7 categories would just be stupid.

Connecticut, USA

how about we change the old any% to any% glitchless?

Victoria, Australia

If you are ok to move the times (and any% should still be the main) I personally don't see any issue with this.

Victoria, Australia

Like I say though, any% with the new glitch should still be a main.

United States

This is simply taking advantage of a new trick to go faster

If you want to move the other times to a new category to keep them "fair" then why didnt you do that when we got the new Froggie re route?

That reroute cut about 2 minutes the record before was 15:4X by dino then it was like 13:3X by josh

this new route saves about 2 minutes previous record was 13:22 and now its 11:Xx

why should we make a new useless category now when we didnt before?

TheGlitched64 menyukai ini
Connecticut, USA

theglitched64, can you resubmit your time?

Victoria, Australia

I personally think its a lot of clutter, and I would liek them to be all one category but since we do need to find middle ground with mods... y'know.

Connecticut, USA

for any% no RCP

Victoria, Australia

Also I dont have my old time, since it was same category

United States

lets bring this to the discord

Victoria, Australia

For anyone reading this forum for the rules, it has been agreed that the Right Click/Play glitch (Or RCP) Will stay but if you use it you must put "Yes" in the RCP? variable category so we can see who is WR w/out it and who is WR overall. :)

United States

We are using a function that is a part of the flash player that we play the game on Much like how people will do the soft reset on their gamecube controllers to reset the console

it is a function of the program Duck Life runs on, so we use it.

Victoria, Australia

We implimented the Variable for the same reason Leery said. So people who don't like the strat can fight for No RCP WR, which is its own thing, but we dont want to split the board in 2.

Statistik Game
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