Editing the autosplitter
Editing the autosplitter
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh rythin

The Dark Souls II autosplitter was made with the goal of being relatively easy to edit to add your own, custom routes to it, and this guide aims to showcase how to do just that.

  1. The pre-requisites To start editing the autosplitter you'll need well.. the code itself. You can download the file from the Resources page. In addition to it, you'll need some sort of text editor, I personally recommend Notepad++ for this. To get started simply open the .asl file in your text editor of choice.

  2. Adding your own split points This part of the guide will cover adding your own places where the script will split. The script currently supports splitting for every boss in the game, as well as some chosen places in the world map. If the ones already supported are enough for you, feel free to skip to Section 3. You can see in what places autosplitting is already supported from line 86 onward.

In order to define your own spots to split you'll first need the help of Cheat Engine to view the player position on the map. I will assume you know how to add an address manually to your address list and as such will not go over that. If you are struggling with that feel free to DM rythin#1312 on discord, I can provide you with a ready table with those addresses. To add a new "split area" to the list of possible ones, you'll need to follow the formatting of the ones above it. Make sure each entry begins with "tB" , followed by your coordinates, enclosed in parentheses. The values must follow the format of "lowest x, highest x, lowest y, highest y, lowest z, highest z, souls". The "souls" is something that was mainly used for defining boss areas, so if you only care about the player entering your given area, set this to 0. If you wish your condition to be based on a certain enemy dying, or otherwise gaining souls in the specified area, set it to the amount of souls you would gain with no extra soul multipliers active (tseldora set, silver serpent ring, etc.) As a general recommendation, make sure the area you set is fairly thick, 5 units generally enough. As you add entries to the list of areas they will take on a number in order. I would recommend adding comments with the entry number as well as what the area is for ease of editing in the future.

  1. Adding new routes For this part you will be looking at lines 109 and 124. Line 124 is where settings for your route are added. To add a new one simply put a comma after the closing bracket of the last existing route, and then open another one with your details. A route setting consists of 3 items, in quotation marks separated by commas. The first is the internal setting name. This is completely irrelevant to you, feel free to name it whatever. The second is the name that appears in the settings menu, this should describe the route/category you're adding. The third is what the mouseover tooltip for the setting will say. This can be left empty or filled out if you care.

Now onto the fun stuff, line 109 is where the actual magic happens. This is where you put together your own route, based on the bosses and locations at line 40. To add a new route, same as last time, put a comma after the closing bracket of the last route, then open a new bracket. Something to keep in mind is the autosplitter expects the route entries to happen in order, so skipping one entry in your run will make all future entries not activate. Be mindful of this when setting up your autosplits.

Each route entry is a 3 character string, inside quotation marks, separated by commas.

  • The first 2 characters are numbers, indicating the entry in the desired list. For example "13i" means entry 13 in the list, so Mytha.
  • The last character can be either 'L', 'i' or 'N'. 'L', meaning that once the split condition is met, it will split at the next loading screen, 'i' meaning it will split instantly, and 'N' meaning it will not split, however it will move to the next route entry. 'N' splits can be particularly useful when you visit spot A multiple times during the run, so you want to ensure you went to spot B before the split in spot A activates, or as a "safety measure" before an area split. Generally I would recommend having an 'N' condition right before a split that's supposed to happen instantly when entering an area, this will prevent any accidental overlap in coordinates that can happen due to how the game map is built. This can be seen utilized multiple times in the pre-set routes, for example in the 17k route for Any% Current Patch, the first instance of this is in DLC1, last Bonfire Ascetic pickup. Entering that area advances the route to the next entry - Melentia Bonfire, so that when you warp there the next time it will split. This ensures that going to Melentia after Rotten 1 but before DLC1 Runthrough will not trigger the split.

Ensure that your route ends with the "impossible condition" (entry 54). This is due to an oversight with the splitting code, that breaks the autosplitter if you ever go past the last split in the route. This is simply the easiest solution I could think of. You can think of it as the nashandra split.

  1. Using your new routes In order to use your new custom route, you'll need to do just a few things in livesplit. First of all, disable the autosplitter integrated into livesplit in the Edit Splits menu. Since your own autosplitter has all the functionality of that one, we don't want the two interfering with each other. Next up, go to Edit Layout and add a Scriptable Autosplitter component. Then add your edited asl, select your route and click OK. And that's it! If you followed the guide and set everything up correctly your route should now work.

If there are any problems, or something that you feel isn't clear, feel free to DM me at rythin#1312 on discord and I will help you out :) Also, if you setup a route that isn't included by default, even though you feel it should be DM me and I will add it to the base script available to everyone.

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