PC Trifecta in 4h 46m 32s by

Also got a tiny HP1 PB during it. Horrible HP2, rly not happy with it. Rest was allright I guess...

PC Trifecta
PC Trifecta
Load Removed Time
4h 46m 32s
Real Time Attack
4h 49m 35s
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
Time splits
Provided by Splits.io
#NameSplitFinished at
1-Welcome to Los Santos famous Dungeons8m 43s 692ms8m 43s 692ms
2-Reset Dungeon
3-Broomstick Dungeon8m 03s 827ms16m 47s 519ms
4-Wingdungeon Trolliosa10m 14s 144ms27m 01s 663ms
5-My favourite HP Fanfic is dpsw3m 46s 954ms30m 48s 617ms
6-PS1Hagrid Private Dungeons3m 12s 534ms34m 01s 151ms
7-Vegetable Dungeon5m 26s 527ms39m 27s 678ms
8-Leberkäse in the Dungeons2m 27s 031ms41m 54s 709ms
9-Hogwarts’ Dungeon Affront0m 51s 573ms42m 46s 282ms
10-Stay in the Dungeons Malfoy
11-DungeonDate with Dafne G3m 47s 581ms46m 33s 863ms
12-Hot Prep for Dungeon8m 45s 460ms55m 19s 323ms
13-I hate Flying Dungeons1m 55s 263ms57m 14s 586ms
14-Fireplace Dungeon
4m 33s 093ms1h 01m 47s 679ms
15-Pre Pre Dungeon4m 42s 541ms1h 06m 30s 220ms
16-Gred and Forge vent in the Dungeon; still sus1m 50s 645ms1h 08m 20s 865ms
17-Stalin loves underwater Dungeons4m 02s 766ms1h 12m 23s 631ms
18-Dungeon B3m 38s 760ms1h 16m 02s 391ms
19-Dungeon C3m 49s 544ms1h 19m 51s 935ms
20-I Hate Dungeons B
2m 10s 445ms1h 22m 02s 380ms
21-Hellpuff in the Dungeons5m 11s 336ms1h 27m 13s 716ms
22-Intruder in the dungeon7m 40s 182ms1h 34m 53s 898ms
23-Kerberos Guardian of Dungeons3m 40s 615ms1h 38m 34s 513ms
24-Dungeon (inverted)1m 47s 874ms1h 40m 22s 387ms
25-69 Ways to die in Dungeons
2m 11s 455ms1h 42m 33s 842ms
26{HP1} Twoface enters the Dungeons2m 28s 180ms1h 45m 02s 022ms
27Transition (Dont panic)1m 08s 453ms1h 46m 10s 475ms
28-Whimpong wolliw1m 10s 026ms1h 47m 20s 501ms
29-Enter Class3m 03s 628ms1h 50m 24s 129ms
30-Rictusempra (4130)5m 07s 1h 55m 31s 129ms
31-Enter Skurge7m 30s 118ms2h 03m 01s 247ms
32-Skurge (3755)4m 05s 958ms2h 07m 07s 205ms
33-Missed Split2m 15s 717ms2h 09m 22s 922ms
34-uɹoɔᴉq3m 52s 522ms2h 13m 15s 444ms
35-Sexexexexex4m 21s 064ms2h 17m 36s 508ms
36-Fred's Crash Master Broomstick2m 07s 616ms2h 19m 44s 124ms
37-Diffindo (3927)
38-BoomBoomSlang8m 50s 002ms2h 28m 34s 126ms
39-Don't enter Goyle6m 29s 744ms2h 35m 03s 870ms
40-Goyle4m 16s 345ms2h 39m 20s 215ms
41-Slytherin6m 56s 447ms2h 46m 16s 662ms
42-Enter Spongify2m 30s 233ms2h 48m 46s 895ms
43-WidebluebeanHappy5m 41s 704ms2h 54m 28s 599ms
44-Enter Hagrid (Hospital)4m 50s 512ms2h 59m 19s 111ms
45-Enter Forest5m 30s 193ms3h 04m 49s 304ms
46-Hack-the-spooders3m 52s 360ms3h 08m 41s 664ms
47-Nostalgia3m 14s 550ms3h 11m 56s 214ms
4m 09s 790ms3h 16m 06s 004ms
49-Bad Bossfight1m 08s 925ms3h 17m 14s 929ms
50{HP2} Done0m 15s 133ms3h 17m 30s 062ms
51Transition 20m 19s 769ms3h 17m 49s 831ms
52-Train5m 41s 443ms3h 23m 31s 274ms
53-Why am I doing this to myself?
7m 14s 072ms3h 30m 45s 346ms
54-Exit Castle
0m 17s 123ms3h 31m 02s 469ms
55-Buckbeak4m 38s 440ms3h 35m 40s 909ms
11m 45s 302ms3h 47m 26s 211ms
57-Expecto3m 18s 952ms3h 50m 45s 163ms
58-Library1m 12s 596ms3h 51m 57s 759ms
59-Monsterbook2m 19s 216ms3h 54m 16s 975ms
60-Glacius8m 10s 939ms4h 02m 27s 914ms
61-Willow6m 52s 635ms4h 09m 20s 549ms
62-Back in Time3m 41s 877ms4h 13m 02s 426ms
63-I don't know what to do now
64-Flipendo Final3m 55s 824ms4h 16m 58s 250ms
65-Drunken Dragon2m 44s 028ms4h 19m 42s 278ms
66-Glacius Final3m 01s 671ms4h 22m 43s 949ms
67-Shopping Queen24m 54s 669ms4h 47m 38s 618ms
68{HP3} ITS OVER!!!0m 58s 415ms4h 48m 37s 033ms