Speedrunning Guide by GFC_
Speedrunning Guide by GFC_
अपडेट किया गया 7 years ago से GFC

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories | Speedrunning Guide [Completed 7/29/2015, edited 12/31/2016] Written by GFC_

--------------Table of Contents--------------

  1. Beginnings 1a. Optional Jono 1 Unlocking

  2. World Tournament

  3. Farm 2 3a. Isis Farming Tips 3b. Mage Soldier Farming Tips

  4. Mages

  5. Final 6

  6. Notes, Tips, and Misc. Information

  7. Card Drop/Ranks Explained

  8. Useful Links

  9. Contact Information

So, you're interested in running Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories. Nice! Interest in this game has been growing very fast, so completing this guide has become a personal priority for me lately. I started writing this in late 2013 but stopped after the farm 2 section because interest in the game was at an all time low. However, with the recent 12 hour speedrun challenge and with the recent run of this game done by Mergy at ESA, PLUS with the summer tournament I organized in full swing....FM is more active than it ever has been. Keep in mind, parts of this guide were written in 2013, so some unimportant information may sound odd. With that out of the way, let's get going.

First off, if you have not already guessed from watching either SSBMstuff, Elven, or even myself run this game, it is almost entirely decided by RNG. RNG stands for random number generator and is how a game deals with randomness. RNG is the same as luck; good RNG means good luck and bad RNG is bad luck. If you plan on completing this game, you need good RNG, period. But just because you get good RNG doesn't mean you know what to do with it. Hell, you might not even know what good RNG looks like in the game. That's why I am writing this guide.

Beginnings [1.]

The first part of the game is (and no shit, right?) the title screen. Timing begins when you hit "New Game" on the title screen and ends when you see the card you win from Nitemare (right after "YOU WIN!").

So, you press new game, type in a name (usually just press X once to put in one A, then hit start to make the cursor go directly to "End" so you can continue).

Something very crucial to this game, and your thumb, is that holding square automatically skips text. However, it skips it a little too slow for my taste. The fastest method of skipping text is holding square and, whilst holding square, mashing X. This makes the text scroll as fast as possible.

When the game actually begins, Simon Muran will talk to you. Keep holding square and mashing X, even when the option comes up that he gives you to stay or run away (the cursor is already on what we want).

As the screen fades back in, you want to go to the shop or whatever the fuck it's called on the bottom right. An interesting note, when the screen is fading from when Simon is talking to you and before it fades into the area selection screen, you can move the cursor just before the screen fades in and select the shop (right once, down once) before the screen fades in. Doing this correctly skips the animation that plays when you normally select an area. This is a few seconds faster, not a big deal.

Anyways, you're going to this guy to check your deck. When you're there, select Build Deck.

Now, what you look for in the starting deck. Big factor of the run. You NEED to start off with AT LEAST raigeki and one of the following equip cards:

Beast Fangs Invigoration Dragon Treasure Dark Energy Horn of Light

If the deck has both of those, you can begin the run. However, look over the deck. Note how many, if any, dragons and thunders it has. Those are the two most important card types; the more the merrier. Typically if you're going for the world record you don't start unless you have the raigeki, an equip, and at least 1 dragon and 1 thunder. However, if the rest of the deck is good, it may be acceptable to start with just the two magics.

The deck can still be considered worthwhile without any dragons or thunders. If there's an abundance of beast/pyro types or female/rock types, you can still be solid because those cards make useful early-game fusions. Use your judgement in selecting the deck, but do NOT start without raigeki and a useable equip, ever.

Optional Jono 1 Unlocking [1a.]

If you read this entire guide and decide you want to try a different farm 1 spot, try Jono 1. You unlock him by going to the duel grounds, skipping Teana's text, watch some cutscenes, and fight him and Seto 1.

You can also farm Villager 3 (a new trend lately) if you wish. After talking to Teana, rather than going outside, talk to someone else. Villager 3 is the old fuck.

World Tournament [2.]

Now, once you have a good deck, exit the screen and leave the shop. Go back to the palace and Simon will flap his gums some more. He will ask if you want to duel him. Decline. Then he'll ask you to go to your room. Accept it. You can't just mash X here, you need to change the cursor here.

Cutscenes play. Square and X-mashing here. Some options will come up, don't worry about them as the right option is already selected so keep on mashing. Eventually Heishin will duel you.

The Heishin duel is all about losing as fast as you possibly can. The game will not progress until you lose to him. So play any card face down and let him shit on it. Then play another bad card, and try attacking whatever he played. You'll take more damage. Continue until dead.

¤¤If your deck contains 1 dragon and 1 thunder, it is possible (but not at ALL likely) to beat Heishin 1. If he plays weak cards (below 3300) and you happen to be able to draw the cards to make a Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon and equip it, you can POSSIBLY win. The reason you would try is because Heishin 1 can drop very useful early game cards, such as a Nekogal #2 or a Mystical Sand. If you manage to beat him, you just need to fight him again anyways. So you need to lose at some point. Just thought I'd share that useful bit of info, though.¤¤

After losing to Heishin, it will ask whether or not you want to shatter the puzzle. You need to put the cursor down one to say yes. After this many cutscenes play. Just skip them as quickly as possible. Eventually you will be at the World Tournament. Save.


Desired Rank: A/S POW Useful Drops: Dragon Zombie, Crawling Dragon #2, Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head, Electric Snake, Oscillo Hero #2, Mountain, Beast Fangs (BCD POW) Watch out for: Clown Zombie (1350 atk)

Rex is a really simple guy to beat. Just use this duel to get used to the early fusions. 1800's are the most common. Usually cards with 900 or more attack are enough to beat Rex. Try to get A or S POW on him because you have a decent chance at winning some good cards. However, if you get BCD POW, you can win Beast Fangs. Winning Beast Fangs is absolutely incredible to happen in a run but rarely happens because the chance is so low.

After beating Rex in campaign, save and go back to the title screen and select Free Duel. This is now Farm 1 section. Select Rex and begin to beat him over and over again.

Typically, I stop farming Rex when I have 50 starchips. This allows you to buy one dragon and one electric. Once you've gotten 50, buy those two cards (check the notes section for the codes) and continue into campaign.


Desired Rank: A/S POW Useful Drops: Blackland Fire Dragon, Tripwire Beast Watch Out For: Jirai Gumo (2200 atk)

Another easy duel. Should be no issue unless he pulls out his Jirai Gumo, in which case just try to make a twin headed (which, after Rex farming, you can definitely do). Other good cards to start with or make to beat a Gumo include Flame Cerberus in Mars or Cyber Soldier in Mars (in defense). He CAN play some neptunes but you should be fine. Beat him, save, continue on.


Desired Rank: A/S POW Useful Drops: Koumori Dragon, Darkfire Dragon, Bolt Escargot, The Immortal of Thunder, Invisible Wire (BCD) Watch Out For: Dark Elf (2000 atk)

Yet again an easy duel. Don't let her fuse, it can be trouble. Flame Cerberus and Mystical Sand shines here. Things like Garvas and B. Dragon Jungle King also are typically enough. Beat her, save.

Bandit Keith

Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Dragon Zombie Watch Out For: Zoa (2600 atk)

Bandit Keith can fuck you over sometimes. Generally his cards are more powerful than the last people you've fought. He can fuse some nasty shit. Watch yourself and you should be fine. Again, 2000+ cards are what you want to try to throw out here. Beat him, and a save here is optional.

After beating Keith, a cutscene with Shadi happens. Keep mashing and the duel will start.


Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Oscillo Hero #2, Dragon Zombie, Yamatano Dragon Scroll, Lala Li-oon, Petit Dragon, Kaminarikozou, Umi, Beast Fangs Watch Out For: Psychic Kappa Lappa

Shadi is ass, don't worry about him. He rarely will play a card above 1000 atk. Beat him, save and move on.


Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Time Wizard, Umi Watch Out For: Labyrinth Wall (3000 defense)

Bakura starts the more difficult duels. Don't let him fuse if you can. Also, watch out for his Labyrinth Wall (0/3000). Play your Twin-Headed in moon if he whips that shit out. Also, try to equip it asap. Another way to beat a wall is by equipping a Mystical Sand (using Dark Energy or Invigoration) and playing it in Saturn. Beat him, save.


Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Baby Dragon, Blackland Fire Dragon, Oscillo Hero #2, Yamatano Dragon Scroll, Petit Dragon, One-eyed Shield Dragon, Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head, Dragon Treasure, Umi, Acid Trap Hole Watch Out For: Meteor B. Dragon (3500 atk)

Pegasus is an asshole. Learn that now. His normal-modes include Bickuribox and Meteor Dragon. If he plays an MBD and you don't have Raigeki in your hand, it's probably faster to kill yourself and try again. Twin-headed is enough to beat him. If he plays a venus in defense, it is going to be an Illusionist Faceless Mage (2200 defense). To beat it, you need either raigeki or a card 1800 or better in Moon (Queen of Autumn Leaves, Metal Dragon). Another way to kill it is to play a weak card in defense so that Pegasus switches it into attack mode. Also, Pegasus cannot be faked out. Beat him, save, move on.


Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Baby Dragon, Blackland Fire Dragon, Yamatano Dragon Scroll, One-eyed shield dragon, Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head, Dragon Treasure, Umi, Spiked Seadra, Widespread Ruin Watch Out For: Black Skull Dragon (3200 atk)

Isis is easy to beat as long as you can send out a monster with 1800+ attack in Pluto. The only things that can fuck you up then are Black Skull Dragon or Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. Other than that, Isis shouldn't be that hard. Watch out for her magics. She plays Swords of Revealing Light which prevents you from attacking for three turns. Normally she will spam this and fuck you over. This is why you try to kill her as quickly as you can. Keep in mind that cards like Kaminari Attack and Dice Armadillo can be useful here since they have pluto. Nothing she plays in defense will have more than 2100 defense. Beat her, save.


Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Baby Dragon, Blackland Fire Dragon, Yamatano Dragon Scroll, Petit Dragon, One-eyed Shield Dragon, Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head, Dragon Capture Jar, Spiked Seadra, Acid Trap Hole Watch Out For: Blue Eyes White Dragon (3000 atk)

Kaiba is pretty easy compared to the others, usually anyways. He plays Blue Eyes quite often so that can be a bitch. If he doesn't play it, however, you should not have any trouble beating him. If you let him fuse you may be up against a Twin Headed or a Crimson Sunbird. If he plays Blue Eyes, try to draw a twin headed with equip/umi. Also, Mystical Sand with an equip can help here as it as Mercury.

Once you beat Kaiba, that concludes the world tournament. Woop!

Alright it's time to continue this motherfucking game. After world tournament (or WT) you watch some cutscenes. Then you'll be at some ruins. It will take you to the overworld map thing, go left twice so you're at the King's Valley. You'll talk to someone, then you'll get some options. Select the second one. After that, you leave and you'll be back at the overworld map.

When back there, go right twice, and click into the main plaza sub area. In there, go to the Old Dueling Grounds (bottom left). You'll talk to Jono and he will take you to the Hidden Dueling Grounds. Don't spam for too long or you'll accidentally duel him. Usually just spam square and X until he says "A..." "Feel like dueling?" "It beats just moping around here" because after that last dialogue box you get the option to duel him. Go down all the way to leave. Then go right back into the hidden dueling grounds and select card shop. Save.

Leave the card shop and go to the palace (left once). Spam square and X and you'll fight Mage Soldier.

Mage Soldier

Desired Rank: BCD POW Useful Drops: Koumori Dragon, Darkfire Dragon, Tripwire beast, Dark Energy Watch Out For: Jirai Gumo (2200 atk)

Mage Soldier is like the post world tournament Shadi. This means he is unusually easy for where he is placed in the game. He doesn't play cards all that powerful, as long as he doesn't Jirai Gumo you he should be easy. If he does, just make a Twin Headed or play something 1800atk in Mars. Beating him should be easy, he likes to play Neptune's and Jupiter's.

You'll beat him and get a map. Go back to the card shop and save. Now return to the main menu of the game so we can free duel people.

Farm 2 [3.]

Well, all of the interesting shit about the run is over for a while. This is the time to relax. This is what will take the most time, easily, in the entire run. The farm phase 2.

Basically, we need to win good cards in order to progress in the game any further. If you try skipping this farm phase you will not beat the game. The enemies past this point are not idiots. They WILL fuck you. So we need to prepare for this.

The main two people we will farm in free duel is Isis and Mage Soldier. The reason we do this is because they have cards we need. The strategy for this type of run is to revolve your deck around Twin Headed Thunder Dragon. You want dragons, and you want thunders. However, even with these things, twin headed is only 2800atk. Although that was enough up to this point, that won't help you later. This is why we farm these two people. They drop equips. Equips are things you can put on cards to power them up. Using an equip powers up that card by 500atk and defense for that cards lifespan. There are five equips we want, as mentioned in the beginning of the guide. For the recap, they are:

Horn of Light Invigoration Beast Fangs Dark Energy Dragon Treasure

The two equips that are the easiest to win are Dark Energy and Dragon Treasure. Mage Soldier drops Dark Energy and Isis drops Dragon Treasure. This is the main reason we farm these two people.

Isis is the person you want to farm the most, however. Along with DT, Isis is going to be where you get the majority of your dragons. She drops many kinds of dragons, and often. Not only does she drop DT and dragons, but she also drops Widespread Ruin. Widespread Ruin (or WSR) is a trap card that destroys any attacking card, regardless of how powerful it is. You place it down and whatever the next monster is that tries attacking you will be killed. Whether it be a Shadow Specter or a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, it will kill it. That is why this card is so useful. It has the same odds of dropping as Dragon Treasure does. Having one WSR is extremely useful, but only if you also have one or two extra equips to back it up. Although killing any monster you want is glamorous and great, it only kills one monster, and the final 6 plays monsters over 3K constantly. This is why you still MUST have equips. WSR is an extreme perk when combined with equips, but is only a quarter as useful when it's alone.

This is a good time for me to explain the drop rates in this game. Ever person you fight has a list of cards they drop. They drop from a list of cards when you get an A-POW or S-POW, and a different list when you get a B-POW, C-POW, or D-POW. AS-POW and BCD-POW each have their own drop lists. So does AS-TEC and BCD-TEC.

Every card has its own odds of dropping. Each odd is out of the number 2048. What this means is that, say Dragon Treasure, has a 32/2048 chance of dropping. So when someone says "Wow that card is a 10, holy fuck!" that means the card has a chance of 10/2048 of dropping.

The hard cards to get that we want is Dragon Treasure (32/2048), Dark Energy (50/2048), and Widespread Ruin (32/2048). Although it may seem most logical to just farm for Dark Energy since, well fuck it has the highest chance, it isn't the best idea. Although winning Dark Energy from Mage Soldier has a higher chance of dropping than DT from Isis does, Mage Soldier doesn't drop much else. In fact, Mage Soldier drops diddly dick except for DE. When you fight Isis, you have a chance to win DT, or WSR, or dragons, or even Umi. Umi is a field card that changes the field to Ocean. Ocean is the most useful field to play on because it powers up THTD. Ocean powers up thunder types and water types. This is why it's so useful; it powers your shit up but not your opponents, usually. It also powers down Pyro's and Machines. Umi is extremely good to have for the final 6 and is almost required. If you cannot win it, consider buying it before moving on from Farm 2. It only costs 55 starchips. The code will be in the notes section at the bottom of this guide.

So, how do you know when you are ready for the rest of the game? That is for you to judge. You want to have a lot of dragons, a lot of thunders (buy them, codes in the Notes section), and some equips/widespread. If you do not win at least one equip, don't bother moving on. If you only win one equip, that means overall you only have 2 equips. Normally, if you finish the game with just 2 equips you're considered really lucky. The magic number of overall equips is usually set at three. If you manage to have three equips and a decent amount of dragons and thunders, you can probably move on. It helps a TON to have more equips, and helps a TON to win WSR. Take all of that into consideration before moving on.

Now I'm just going to give you some useful farming tips for Isis and Mage Soldier. Keep in mind for both of these people you want to get a B, C, or D-POW on every duel.

¤¤¤¤¤Get easy B-ranks by having 27 or less cards left and fuse 5 times during the duel. Instead of fusing, you can use a magic card or equip.¤¤¤¤¤

Isis Farming Tips [3a.]

Like you read for the WT, playing things in Pluto on Isis pretty much fucks her. Good fusions are Flame Cerberus (beast type and pryo), Garvas (beast and winged fairy), THTD, Skelegon (1600+ Dragon and zombie), and anything else you can make. If you can make an 1800atk monster in Pluto, you will usually win that duel.

Mage Soldier Farming Tips [3b.]

Mage Soldier is kind of a joke. Pluto works well on him because he plays a lot of Neptune. Sometimes Mars is good too if he's playing Jupiters. His cards are really weak, as long as you so like a 1600 fusion you should win. A lot of times lower than 1600 will even suffice. Use your judgement; he isn't tough.

The reason you want to get BCD-POW on these two people is because that is the rank at which their magic cards drop. DE, DT, WSR, Umi, all drop on BCD-POW rank. So how do you quickly and efficiently get BCD-POW? Let me explain first how the ranking system works.

The main thing you want to do is waste cards. You NEED to get your card count UNDER 28. 27 cards and BELOW is what you need to have left. Once you have under 28 cards, the game looks at other factors to determine your rank. You cannot just have under 28 cards. You also need to either take damage or use a magic. So, either have 27 or fewer cards left and hurt yourself or get hurt, or have 27 or fewer cards left and use a magic card, OR fuse 5 times during the duel. Either way, you must have less than 28 cards left. After you have 27 or less cards left and have either taken damage, use a magic, or fuse 5 times, your rank will be B, C, or D. This is what you want on Isis and Mage Soldier. Keep doing this and you'll keep getting BCD.

So, a lot of people probably heard or know that Meadow Mage drops some useful shit. For those of you who are new to everything Forbidden Memories, Meadow Mage is the low mage you fight when you to go the Meadow shrine. Meadow Mage drops the most powerful card in the game, Meteor B. Dragon. Meteor B. Dragon (or MBD) has 3500atk. It also has the guardian star Sun. This means an MBD played in Sun beats a Gate Guardian (3750atk). Farming Meadow mage can yield other useful dragon drops. However, farming Meadow Mage is really inconsistent. First off, winning MBD is only a 20/2048. Secondly, having MBD is not an auto win. If you draw it, it's amazing to have. If you don't, you're fucked. Thirdly, in order to win it you need to A or S-POW meadow mage. That is hard as fuck to do consistently. That is why you should not farm for MBD really ever. The only times you should is if you have time left after beating all the high mages and you're already good on equips and WSR, or if you're in a race. DO NOT use it as a main strat. It will not end well.

Also, you will hear a lot of talk of "a-tecs". A-TEC is a specific rank that has its own drops. In a run, it is useful to a-tec Pegasus. For more information on doing a-tecs the new, faster way, check the Useful Links area of this guide.

So your farm phase is over. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Mages [4.]

If you made it this far, good job! Your deck is now ready to continue. Go back to the King's Valley and give him the map. Then keep spamming square and X and Seto will appear. He'll talk, then he'll leave. Once he leaves you can too. Go back to the Card Shop and save.

You can do the following mages in any order. However, after defeating two areas, you must fight Seto 2. I am going to list these in the order I do them, for my own sanity.

Meadow Mage

Desired Rank: SA-POW POW Useful Drops: Dark Magician, Gaia the Fierce Knight, Curse of Dragon, Komouri Dragon, Blackland Fire Dragon, Crawling Dragon, Metal Dragon, Kaminari Attack, Skull Knight, Meteor Dragon, Meteor B. Dragon Watch Out For: Millennium Shield (3000 def)

Meadow Mage can give you a lot of problems, especially in campaign. A lot of his cards are 2300+. The only real way to beat him is with THTD's. But here's the catch. He can play Judge Man (2700 in Sun) and Empress Judge (2600 in Urnaus). So basically, what guardian star you put your THTD in can matter. Technically, it is smarter to play your THTD in Pluto since there are less cards that can kill you in Uranus than there are in Sun. However, if you make two THTD, have one of each guardian star. Just to cover all bases. Also, Nekogal #2 is a useful fusion here, as it is powered up by Sogen.

High Mage Kepura

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: A few dragons including B. Dragon Jungle King Watch Out For: Gate Guardian (3750 atk, 4250 on Meadow field)

Kepura is one of the two difficult high mages. He can play Gate Guardian which is even more powerful due to the Meadow field being default (4250). If Kepura does not start with Gate Guardian (GG), he may start with B. Skull Dragon (3200). Depending on what he does, using Umi or Mountain can be a great choice. Drawing equips will likely be needed. However, if he does not play GG or BSD, he is actually quite easy and can be killed with a simple THTD. Play it in Pluto, by the way, to be safe from Seiyaryu (2500 sun).

Ocean Mage

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: Oscillo Hero #2, Kairyu-Shin, Dragon Zombie, Yamatano Dragon Scroll, Petit Dragon, Kaminarikozou, Lala Lioon, Aqua Dragon, Sea King Dragon Watch Out For: None really

Ocean Mage is easy. Make a twin headed and you win. Actually, even things like Kaminari Attack will work. He can play Boulder Torturous, but THTD in pluto or moon beats that anyways. Easy duel.

High Mage Secmeton

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: Kairyu-Shin, Labyrinth Wall, Thunder Dragon, Parrot Dragon Watch Out For: Crab Turtle (2550 atk, 3050 on Ocean)

Again, Secmeton is easy. Play your first twin headed in moon because he can play labyrinth wall. Other than that, he has nothing that can kill a twin headed. Easy win.

After fighting these two mages, I typically opt to go after Seto 2nd next. Seto 2nd is an optional fight in Forbidden Memories that we speedrunners choose to do because by beating him, you no longer have to fight Labyrinth Mage later in the game before the final 6. Without Seto 2nd, you essentially have to face the final 7. This is why we ALWAYS fight Seto 2nd.

So, after fighting between 2 and 4 mages (the mage order I use does not have to be replicated; everyone can do whatever order they want to and it makes very little if any difference. However you MUST fight seto 2nd after already beating 2 high mages but BEFORE beating them all. If you beat all of them you are locked into the final 7) you want to go back to the dueling grounds and obviously save. Then re-enter, and rather than clicking on the card shop option, click on the dueling grounds option. This brings you to Labyrinth Mage.

Labyrinth Mage

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: Lots of smaller dragons and thunders but most notably Stone D., Thunder Dragon, Dragon Zombie, and Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Watch Out For: Gate Guardian (3750 atk)

Labyrinth Mage, although he can play GG, typically is not an issue. If he does play GG, you can very well lose if you don't draw the right combination of raigeki, Umi or equips. However, if he does NOT play GG, a normal THTD will be well enough to beat him.

After beating Labyrinth Mage, you have to navigate a labyrinth with a series of left or right choices. The order is right, right, left, right. After this, you're brought to Seto 2nd.

Seto 2nd

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: A few dragons, most notably B. Dragon Jungle King and THTD. Also drops Zoa. Watch Out For: Gate Guardian (3750 atk)

Seto 2nd is the first guy you'll face that can start with a Gate Guardian and actually isn't a pussy after it's destroyed. Other than Gate Guardian, he likes to play Black Luster Soldier (3000 atk) and Blue Eyes White Dragon (3000 atk). If he does not play a GG, you will still likely need either an equip or umi to win. Keep your THTD in Pluto to avoid accidental fuckage from a BEWD.

After Seto 2nd is down, you can continue doing whatever mages you have left. Again, for my own sanity, I will continue to list them in the order I do them in.

Forest Mage

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: A few low-level dragons and thunders Watch Out For: Nothing important

Very easy duel. Plays a lot of Jupiters, so Mars is powerful here (flame cerberus). THTD will be a win here.

High Mage Anubisius

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: Blackland Fire Dragon, Tripwire Beast Watch Out For: Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (3500 atk, 4000 on Forest)

The last very difficult duel before the final 6. He plays Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (or PUGM). Beating a PUGM can be difficult. You again need the right combination of umi/equips or just raigeki/widespread it away. Other than that, he can also play a normal great moth (3100 atk on forest). He also has Javelin Beetle (2950 atk on Forest). However a lot of times a normal THTD will be enough to beat him.

Mountain Mage

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: Crawling Dragon, Mountain, Kaminari Attack, Metal Dragon, Meteor Dragon, Skull Knight, Meteor B. Dragon Watch Out For: Nothing important

Another easy duel. Montain automatically powers up dragons, meaning this guy is very easy. A THTD is an instant win.

High Mage Atenza

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: A few low-level dragons and thunders, Harpies Pet Dragon (rip toto) Watch Out For: B. Skull Dragon

This is another easy high mage. THTD is typically enough to win. However, sometimes he can play BSD, so watch out for that. Keep in mind playing Umi here will keep your THTD powered up and will remove 500 attack from black skull. Also, this guy CAN play MBD. It is EXTREMELY rare, but possible. However, most of the time a THTD will beat him. Play your THTD in Pluto here.

Desert Mage

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: A few low-level dragons and thunders Watch Out For: Labyrinth Wall (3000 def, 3500 on Wasteland)

Desert mage is extremely easy. Plays a lot of Uranus cards so keep your THTD in Moon. Also, keep in mind stone types and zombie types are powered up here, so cards like Mystical Sand and Stone D. can come in handy if you can't make a THTD yet. Watch out for his wall, play Umi or Mountain if that happens, or just raigeki it.

High Mage Martis

Desired Rank: SA-POW Useful Drops: A few low-level dragons and thunders, Zoa Watch Out For: Labyrinth Wall (3000 def, 3500 on Wasteland)

A THTD in moon wins here. If he plays a wall, Umi or Mountain, or Raigeki, is your best friend. The easiest high mage by far.

Final 6 [5.]

Wow, I never thought I'd actually finally get here! But this is the final 6 portion of the guide. Congratuations on making it this far through the game. At any given moment, you're roughly 20 minutes away from completing this game if you're lucky. But it CERTAINLY won't be easy.

If you don't know much about this game, you might be wondering "Wait....he said farm 2 takes so long. Why did he farm for SO long if a simple THTD is enough to beat most mages?" The answer is right here; the final 6.

These are the duels you prepped your deck for the entire run. The duels that you reset your deck in the beginning in order to have more of an edge for. These duels are hard, unforgiving, and (most notably the best part) all in a row without saving! Isn't that exciting?! Yeah! Anyways, time to get started on them. This is where your knowledge of the game will really shine. I will try to load up this guide with helpful tips for each one of these guide. Good luck.

After beating every mage, Seto talks to you. Go back and save. Then, enter the Vast Shrine (directly in front of the main town area that you have been going back into to save and such). After some dialogue, it's time to fight the first of the final 6: Guardian Sebek.

Guardian Sebek

Desired Rank: Just win Useful Drops: No longer important Watch Out For: Zoa, Metalzoa, etc.

Sebek is the first of the final 6. Let me start this off by saying in every final 6 duel, a normal mode (and in the later people, an EASY mode) will be cards 3000 attack and above. Expect it every time. As far as sebek goes, you can either made a 3300 by means of using an equip or by using Umi to win. Keep your THTD in Moon here as shields and walls will be thrown in often. Other than that, not much to say other than if you cannot make a 3300 you will very likely lose. MBD (if you have one) is also an instant win here, put it in sun and you're good to go. Also, if you have a Skull Knight that will also be an instant win here (play it in Neptune in case of a faceless mage).

Guardian Neku

Desired Rank: Just win Useful Drops: No longer important Watch Out For: Skull Knight, Dark Magician, Zoa, Metalzoa, etc.

Neku can fuck you over pretty well. If you play Umi on him he will almost ALWAYS play a Yami to put the field back to dark. For this reason, you need to focus on drawing an equip rather than umi. Neku is also known to fuse two Yami together and throw it on his cards like Skull Knight and Dark Magician (yami+yami makes dark energy which equips these monsters). If you have an MBD, be SURE to play it in Mars, NOT SUN! He has powerful cards that have Mercury (like Skull Knight) which can fuck you over. Other than that, no other real strategy here.

Heishin 2nd

Desired Rank: Just win Useful Drops: No longer important Watch Out For: Gate Guardian, Meteor B. Dragon

Ahhh....time to write about Heishin 2nd. In a lot of ways, he is debateably the most difficult duelist of the final 6 given his playstyle. He plays GG a lot. If you play Umi first, or any, turn, a lot of times he will equip a Gate Guardian or MBD or something very powerful. But not just any equip! He plays megamorph on them to power them up by 1000 rather than 500. For that reason, a lot of times playing umi will get you killed. But on Heishin it is a risk you have to take. Try your hardest to make a 3800 in any way possible. Sometimes, you just can't and you lose. Other times, you can but he then plays a 4750 GG and kills you. Other times, you make it but it's too late and he will raigeki you. Not too fun. Also, Heishin has both Fake Trap AND Widespread Ruin. Most of the time it's a WSR. Never attack into a trap with your strongest monster unless you're prepared for that monster to die. So yeah, that's really all I have on Heishin. You need to have good draws. Period.

Seto 3rd

Desired Rank: Just win Useful Drops: No longer important Watch Out For: Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500 attack!)

It's a sun...it's an ultimate! I'm sure if you have watched any FM runs somewhere in the run you heard those words. Seto loves to play Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. If he does, and you do not have either Raigeki, Dragon Capture Jar, or Widespread Ruin down, you pretty much lose. Seto is like a more straight-forward Heishin. Rather than playing with his food like Heishin does, seto cuts the shit and just kills you, fast. If Seto plays a Gate Guardian, that is considered an EASY MODE. Yes, a 3750 is considered one of his weaker cards and one of the better things for him to play. Seto likes to lay down magics and traps (always widespread ruin by the way). Stall him and hope for raigeki if he plays an ultimate. If it isn't an ultimate, then stall him until you can make a 3800, then kill him as quickly as possible. If you're winning and you have a widespread in your hand, USE THE WIDESPREAD!!!! Don't give him the change to play a random BEUD, BECAUSE HE WILL! Prepare for it, PLAY IT SAFE. Getting past seto is getting past the biggest and most notorious wall of the entire video game. If you manage to do it, congrats, but we aren't done yet.


Desired Rank: Just win Useful Drops: No longer important Watch Out For: Meteor B. Dragon

Luckily, we get a bit of a break here with Darknite. No Gate Guardian to worry about, and no Blue Eyes Ultimate's to worry about. Nice! Well, you can still lose here. Many have. He likes to start with Cosmo Queen (2900 in venus). Luckily, you can beat those with a normal twin headed! If you can do nothing else first turn, play your twin headed in Moon and keep it in attack mode. However, he also plays Black Skull Dragon, Blue Eyes White Dragon, and unfortunately Meteor B. Dragon. In those cases, equips/umi are gonna have to save us again. By the way, Darknite has a LOOOOOOOOOOT of different magic and trap cards. If he plays a trap, it may NOT activate by you attacking his monsters. He has traps that you don't need to worry about. He DOES have Widespread as well, along with Fake Trap. A real kicker is that he has Reverse Trap, which will make it so your equip will REMOVE 500 attack points from your monster rather than add them. Be very careful once he starts layering down magics. He likes to play Mountain as well. He can also megamorph monsters, though that isn't very common. Once you beat him, congratulations! It's time for the final duel.


Desired Rank: Just win Useful Drops: No longer important Watch Out For: Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Gate Guardian, Meteor B. Dragon, Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth

Ah yes, Nitemare. The ultimate dream crusher. Winning means you are done, losing means back to Sebek. A lot on the line, huh? Nitemare likes using BEUD here. And the catch with him is that he has 0 (yes, absolutely zero) magics in his deck. He will play a monster EVERY SINGLE TURN. No stalling here. If you cannot beat whatever he plays within the first 2 turns, you VERY LIKELY lose. You need either an easy mode or very good draws to win. Nitemare will kill you faster than anyone else in the game. Good luck. If you win, congratuations on your completed run!

Nice! Your run is done. And thankfully for my hands/fingers, so is this guide! Huzzah! (Just kidding I actually have to go type out the tips section, notes section, and put finishing touches on it, so fuck)

Notes, Tips, and Misc. Information [6.]

Abbreviations used in this guide and around the community:

FM - Forbidden Memories DE - Dark Energy DT - Dragon Treasure WSR - Widespread Ruin BSD - B. Skull Dragon MBD - Meteor B. Dragon SK - Skull Knight PUGM - Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth GG - Gate Guardian BEWD - Blue Eyes White Dragon BEUD - Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Invig - Invigoration MM - Megamorph HPD - Harpies Pet Dragon HFD - Harpies Feather Duster ATH - Acid Trap Hole BC - Bright Castle WT - World Tournament THTD - Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon

Starchip passwords that are useful:


Lala Li-Oon - 600/ 600 - 09430387 - Costs 25 Mega Thunderball - 750/ 600 - 21817254 - Costs 30 Kaminarikozou - 700/ 600 - 15510988 - Costs 30 Oscillo Hero #2 - 1000/ 500 - 27324313 - Costs 30 Electric Lizard - 850/ 800 - 55875323 - Costs 35 Electric Snake - 800/ 900 - 11324436 - Costs 40 Bolt Penguin - 1100/800 - 48531733 - Costs 50


Yamatano Dragon Scroll - 900/ 300 - 76704943 - Costs 25 Petit Dragon - 600/ 700 - 75356564 - Costs 30 Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head - 900/ 900 - 02957055 - Costs 45 One-eyed Shield Dragon - 700/1300 - 33064647 - Costs 55 Lesser Dragon - 1200/1000 - 55444629 - Costs 70 Blackland Fire Dragon - 1500/ 800 - 87564352 - Costs 80


Umi - 22702055 - Costs 55 Mountain - 50913601 - Costs 55 Cursebraker - 69666645 - Costs 10 Sparks - 76103675 - Costs 10

Card Drop/Ranks Explained [7.]

So, you may be wondering what all this 2048 nonsense is. Well this is how it works.

What card you get is chosen out of a pool of possible cards for that rank. For reference:

S-POW and A-POW have the same drops. B-POW, C-POW, D-POW, D-TEC, C-TEC, and B-TEC have the same drops. S-TEC and A-TEC have the same drops.

So, when you get an A-POW on someone, it takes cards out of the SA-POW pool of available drops that duelist has. The probability is determined by a fraction. It is always out of (or over) 2048. A specific card (Meteor B. Dragon, for example) may be called a "20." That means the card has a 20/2048 chance of dropping, or .00976% chance. This is how you determine how rare something is. So when we say DT is a "32" we mean it has a 32/2048 chance of dropping.

Useful Links [8.]

A-TEC Tutorial - http://bombch.us/CWvd FM Card Overview/Counter (created by xxMergyxx) - http://bombch.us/CPs5 FM Tools (includes Duel Rank Calculator, Split Icons, Tea 1.6 [used as a database of drop lists, fusions, etc.] and a text file with card passwords) - http://bombch.us/BPLb FM Leaderboards - http://bombch.us/BPLd AI Manipulation Explaination (allows you to control your opponent to not play magic cards) - http://bombch.us/BPLe Suicide Glitch Explaination - http://bombch.us/BPLg Livesplit (popular split program) - http://bombch.us/BPLh OBS (open source streaming program) - http://bombch.us/BPLi Xsplit (free or paid streaming software) - http://bombch.us/BPLj FM Passwords full list - http://bombch.us/BPLk FM Droplist (original thread) - http://bombch.us/BXa FM Equip Guide - http://bombch.us/BPLm Calculating Duel Rank (original thread) - http://bombch.us/BOhi Discord Server (For runners of FM) - http://bombch.us/CWve Discord Server (For me and viewers of my stream) - http://bombch.us/CWvf

Contact Information [9.]

Discord Username - GFC_#4075 Twitch Username - GFC_ Twitter Username - @gfc_srl

Guide created by twitch.tv/GFC_. Any questions feel free to contact there.

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