
After doing some testing, game play is only affected below 500 cycles; after that, game play speed is capped, and won't move faster.

Loading speed does seem to go faster when feeding more cycles into; but I went up to 80k cycles, and at some point, the loading simply wasn't going faster, probably around that normal 10-12kish area.

In any case, using more cycles up to a point will no longer provide any additional advantage. So, for all intents and purposes, the cycle related rules for DOS runs will be consistent between Lemmings 2 and 1, and Oh No, for that matter. Cycle away.

@pirohiko I'd have to mess with to know 100% for sure, but in the original Lemmings, the game has a max speed; doesn't matter how many more cycles you add, it won't go faster. I assume this is the same for Lemmings 2, but I do not know. I'll see if I can determine that definitely this week.

In general though, if the game caps is own limit, then you can use as many cycles as you want. If there is no cap, and then game runs faster and faster no matter how many more cycles you add, then we may need to be defined.

I'll see if I can get you a definite answer. Good timing, plan on finishing up constructing these boards in general as well.

paiy इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Oh No! More Lemmings

I've updated the rules to reflect that of the current rules as Lemmings, and have also accepted your run upon review. Apologies for the delay.

धागा: Oh No! More Lemmings

Nice. I've very happy to see some more slots get filled up on the boards.

In Lemmings 2, Gold is achieved when you basically save the maximum number of intend Lemmings in a level. It's not possible to save 100% of the Lemmings in this game. On the ones that it is possible, it's necessary to save 100% of lemmings.

As such Gold% stands in for 100% effectively, whereas, Any% would remain the same. It is also possible to do a Silver%, though I haven't had intentions of expanding categories given no one has caught up to running it yet.

paiy इसे पसंद करता है

Reviewing the long play, honestly, that makes a lot of sense to me:

I'm not sure the best way to approach it there; I can imagine all the tribes on the main page as all the tribes listed out (like Fun, Tricky, etc. appear on the main board).

I can also imagine listed out as Individal Levels.

Either way, I'll keep the Gold%/Any$ Subcat distrinction.

As far as putting the game in the resources tab, we probably won't be able to do that here on this main page since like... copyright, probably. Probably more of a discord thing unfortunately.

But yes, might take me a few days to implement these changes. Feel free to start running it.

paiy इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Oh No! More Lemmings

Apologies, the rules haven't been updated to match the adjacent rule changes on the main Lemmings board as of yet. For all intents and purposes, any rules that currently apply to Lemmings in the general will apply here (assuming the same port or console is being used) is going to apply Oh No! More Lemmings.

Currently out of town due to family medical stuff, but I will update the rules accordingly when I get a chance, and if you want to submit any times accordingly, they will be accrepted.

धागा: Speedrunning

It's a setting in the timer software. I forgot what it is called, but just go to the preferences of LiveSplit, and there's a way to force it to stay on top of everything else.

धागा: The Site

Yeah, definitely a game by game, community by community thing. Obviously smaller boards would be easiest to update. I just happened to check the Legend of Zelda board: https://www.speedrun.com/the_legend_of_zelda#Any and see they have more or less made the updates themselves.

I don't know the particulars about the original Zelda and how they might differ and to what extent. I would imagine though, that most boards are going to prevent sub cats and splitting when possible; makes the board difficult to read at times. For the Zelda Any%, if I want to know the best times irrespective of the exact console, I can see all the runs on the main board, and if I wanted to know the best NES time (since FC is apparently faster there), I can filter the entire board by NES/FDS, etc. immediately and to my heart's content. If the effort was put in to set up a sub cat for the category, and each existing run adjusted accordingly, then I will be able to see a NES/FC/FDS board and that is it. Ironically, sometimes changes the board actually make it more cumbersome to use, and give it less functionality.

In any case, if one feels there should be to a change to the boards there, then the only real option is basically post on that game specific thread, or reach out to the mods. If there are ton of runners of a game like Zelda for instance, then I imagine they don't make changes to the board with a lot community consideration, etc.

Bro3256 इसे पसंद करता है

Added "Tournament" as a Full-Game run. Will default to Full-Game runs for the game, once a run has been submitted.

धागा: The Site

Don't worry, they added SFC, so, same issue I imagine with a lot of SNES boards right now.

Bro3256 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site

I wouldn't know the ins and outs on hardware specs. I know Famicom Disk System has always been separated, since a NES isn't going to play any FDS system.

Don't know much about bootleg consoles... generally 3rd party consoles aren't allowed, though some smaller games, so long as they aren't determined to be inaccurate renders of the game.

It's particularly strange that a site mod added the FC at all, tbh. The whole NES/FC was such a long standing thing. New mods I guess, didn't think to inform anyone of something that would have weird affects on all sorts of boards and thousands of runs. On the bright side, it's one of those things that can technically be corrected for. In reality, I imagine there will be a lot inconsistency on the boards regarding it until it slowly crops up for those games in some manner or another.

Bro3256 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Zooo (GBA)

Hmm, it's not immediately obvious to me exactly what is going on.

I thought it might have something to do with the Rank on second look; the runs that didn't get the credits appear to be below Rank 10 when Level 15 is completed, where as the ones Rank 10 or above...

The only exception is my old run, lol.. I lose on Level 15, and restart it. This restarts my rank back to 0, and yet, I still got credits once completeing 15. On the 2nd place run, they go above Rank 10, and then go back down and end below 10 when completing Level 15... so I guess that can't be it.

I'm stumped as of the moment; would be nice to know, it's possible then that maybe the run can be down in 10 levels instead of 15, if we only knew exactly what was going on here.

tbspdv इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Zooo (GBA)

Hmm, if I saw an example that might help. On Normal you have to get a certain number of each animal. Perhaps its possible to keep getting points and continue levelling up without getting the last animals needed on a certain type.

tbspdv इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site

The trickiest will be situations like... well Super Mario Bros: https://www.speedrun.com/smb1

The game functions the same NES/FC, to my understanding; runs on FC have always been marked JP - NES, since it was always understood that NES/FC were interchangeable. I mean, check the Tetris FC board: https://www.speedrun.com/bps_tetris

I can see why that might be confusing though for someone looking for one of the many games that are just.. FC games, more or less. The FC filter is effectively useless; maybe 20 games actually have the console listed.

Looking over NES games I moderate, I went ahead and updated the ones that I mod to specify when an FC is used, but luckily most of mine are US only releases, or didn't have too many runs to mess with.

I do have a couple that are "Game Title (NES)", whereas I guess it should technically be "Game Title (NES/FC)" now.

jackzfiml और Bro3256 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Family Feud (NES)

You are good.

धागा: Family Feud (NES)

I'm not aware of any game that would disallow you from using notes, notepads, spreadsheets and such at your disposal for use in runs in real time.

What would be disallowed is using an emulator or any sort of tool to pull info from RAM in real-time while performing a run.

But as far as having a complete list of questions and answers in your game available to your while you are running? That's no problem.

धागा: Family Feud (NES)

Is what allowed?

धागा: The Site

99% of those games listed have been on this site way before "FC" was ever an option as a console. I, someone who mods more than one NES game that isn't on your list, but probably would be, didn't even know they added it. That just explains why it is as such.

An NES and the FC utilize the same hardware. Plenty of games exist on both, and will function the same. Plenty of games also exist on both, but function differently, either game play, or aesthetically. An NES board isn't probably going to separate the two regions into two separate leaderboards, unless the game functions just vastly differently. For games that have minute differences, most people would just play the Japanese release anyways.

That being said, you'd have to contact all those boards separately to get things updated. Don't think they'll necessarily all converge here. I'll take a look at my boards to see if any can be updated.

just_tako, jackzfiml और 7 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Apologies, just seeing this; notifications still getting delayed.

"Tournament" is effectively a full game fun, as it's necessary to beat it to get to the credits screen. I'm happy to add that as a full-game run, with US and Japan as subs.

I can add the other variants of gameplay as well.

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